History is written by the winners: but who are the winners?

in #cultofjudaism6 years ago


We've all heard that. History is written by the winners.

It is written to justify their actions, including their own war crimes.

To blame the war on the loser.

As if the warnever would have happened if not for the 'losers' 'aggression' or other 'provocation'.

That 'provocation' can and often is, simply abricated after the war.

After years of wartime propaganda you can manufacture the most demonic of consensual realities regarding the defeated 'enemy'.

At the start of the war most people are incredulous about the claims of their own wartime propaganda. By the end, after their brothers and sons begin returning in body bags, and the bombs start falling on women and children, the public are all too ready to believe anything they are told. No matter how totally absurd. Even if it defies all the laws of logic, chemistry, physics, and common sense. People want to hate the 'enemy', and blame them for the deaths. The destruction. The suffering and misery of war. No-one wants to blame themselves for having been so 'war hungry' and so stupid as to have willingly and actively become involved in the insanity of war.

The 'enemy' was made into an enemy of the people, by that propgaganda. The people were brought to hate and despise and fear that 'enemy'. So anything you add to the wartime propganda will be readily accepted. The people suspect they were as much in the wrong as this 'enemy', and so will be keen to have their own consciences soothed by propaganda long after the war is over, and that propaganda, for all intents and purposes, has been revealed to have been lies and deception, and even admitted to have been, by those who had produced and disseminated it, and even accepted by the majority of the people who had fought because of it, as lies.

To justify forcing the losers to pay the reparations and accept the territorial losses that are and were always and everywhere the true war aims of every nation involved in war.

But wait. If we are talking about 'the winnner', then surely we are talking about the nation that made the 'territorial gains' and received the 'reparations', and went down in history as the 'victims' were required 'compensation', arent' we?

Shouldn't we expect the winners of any war to display all these characteristics?

So let us look at real 'hundred years war' we are currently engaged in. The World War that has so far been played out in two acts, called 'World War One' and 'World War Two'.

(With the final climax coming soon, in the form of 'World War Three', and the installment of a one world government for the Cult of Judah, by the Cult of Judah, but we are getting ahead of ourselves).

Now Russia and Germany and France and Great Britain all entered WWI with their own war aims of territorial gains and increased power for their Kings and Queens and Tzars. The American people had absolutely no interest in that fight. They had nothing to gain. Neither did the people of Germany, France, Russia, and Britain. However a relatively small group of people had manufactured a world depression, and war offered millions of unemployed literally the only chance of employment, and of regaining their pride, self-worth, and simply putting a meal on the table for their wives and children.

Who had manufactured this world depression? First lets see who the 'victors' of WWI were.

For any nation to embark on war, they require finance. Someone must be willing to lend them the money to prosecute their war. Even with conscription, war is hellish expensive. New weapons and armaments need to be developed and mass produced very fast. Economic production must be diverted from consumer goods and services to wartime production. Wars have bankrupted every empire, and nation in history. Check your history books. Compare the 'world powers' of 2000 years ago with those of today. Go through decade by decade and be astonished to see world powers like Sweden, Lithuania, and Poland, emerge, then dissipate. You won't believe how large and agressive their empires were, when you look at a map today. Look at Italy, and compare it to the Roman Empire. The only real long term victor of war in human history are the financiers. The Bankers. The men who lend money to both sides of any conflict, at high interest, and thus are sure to have their debts recouped, with a windfall (as automatic) profit. And as all future national leaders know they will themselves one day want to go to these same people to finance their next planned wars of conquest, there is no nation on the planet that will ever challenge these financiers / bankers right to conduct their business. They will ensure their future 'credit' by ensuring that all debts are paid by the winners forcing the losers to pay BOTH the winner's debts (called reparations) and their own (the loser's) debts to the bankers. The winners also force the losers to give up territory, and to pay 'war damages'. AFter all, war is about profits for the warlords. The Kings, Queens, Tzars, nobility. War is the oldest Corporate business venture. The original 'hostile takeover'. The most lucrative 'investment' for bankers and fianciers.

So the 'excuse' of the assassination of the Archduke was welcomed by all the war hungry European powers to put their long prepared war plans into action.

Of course we will always have to do with 'Lone gunmen'. For the moment you speak of even 2 or 3 'gunmen', it awakes in the masses the very notion of a 'conspiracy'. And the powers that be, who orchestrated every 'lone gunman attack' and 'massacre' in history, never want your imagination for even one moment to flow in that direction, and entertain for even a brief moment any ideas that there might be some organised 'conspiracy' afoot. A conspiracy requiring conspirators. And aims and objectives beyond the murder of an individual, or individuals.

The 'lone gunman' is atomised. Set aside from 'history'. Just a freak accident. A result of some intense irrational hatred. Or personal motive. Or insanity. Nothing to see here folks. Just the result of letting civilians own guns is all. Nothing 'historical'. No 'plot'. No 'Conspiracy'. No organisation is necessary for one person to get a gun and murder people. No wider narrative needs to come into play to explain the actions of a lone, usually crazy, or at least very angry, gunman.

So note that every single gun massacre or murder from 'Sarajevo' to 'Port Arthur' to 'Sandy Hook' to 'JFK' was carried out by a 'lone gunman'. Alone. No conspiracy. No organisation. No secret society lurking in the background with its own motives and machinations. Just a single, angry and/or crazy individual.

Not even a hint of any other person's involvement to start your mind down the logical path of 'conspiracy'. Don't even risk the chance of anyone becoming suspcious, and asking questions that cannot be answered, and which, in not answering, would raise many more questions, doubts, and finally curiousity in the public, and even independent investigations by members of the public.

Make sure the 'lone gunman' is either killed at the scene, or shortly after, before any chance of a public 'trial' is even possible. If they fail to be killed before any possibility of a trial, you simply 'convince' them to plead guilty, or insanity, to avoid that trial. Ask yourself why Martin Bryant was never given a trial. He is still rotting in prison after decades. Everything possible short of killing him was done to guaranteed he would never be given a public trial, and we, the public, would never be given the chance to find out who actually carried out the Port Arthur massacres. It was of course a U.N / C.I.A operation to murder 'WASPS', and override the Australian Constitutional rights of all Australians to bear arms. That doesn't pique your curiosity?

But back to Sarajevo, and the first installment of the War to install the Cult of Judah's 'One World Goverment', what we call World War One.

The Treaty of Versailles was written by 'the winners'. In typical 'History is written by the winners', Germany was forced to accept full and lone responsibility for all the deaths and other costs of WWI, and even to plead guilty to 'war crimes'. In blatant violation of President Wilson's '14 points' peace treaty which was the basis of the German armistace, and the ending of the war. Wilson was so disgusted with this violation of the Peace Treaty, and of the honor of his nation, that he refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles. The U.S Congress voted to refuse to ratify the document. Which is why it was ultimately not enforced when Hitler, with no army at all, and just pure courage and conviction of his moral duty and right, retook the Ruhr-Gebiet from the French occupation.

So immediately that 'history' was 'written' at Versailles, by the 'victors', it becomes clear that the U.S.A (who appeared to be among the 'victors'), was actually not the victor.
The U.S obviously made no territorial gains. They received no war reparations. They took no war booty. And they refused to 'ratify' the 'official' 'history' written by the 'victors' at Versailles. Of course public opinion had been almost 100% against any American involvement in WWI. I explain how the U.S public were tricked into fighting in WWI in the prequel to my Trilogy.
So that rules out the U.S.A as the 'victors' and 'writers of history', in WWI.
So who gained anything from WWI? The French certainly thought they were going to. They demanded massive war damages, reparations, and compensation, along with German territory. The French literally invaded Germany and forced the Germans to work for them, diverting their production into French hands, while Germans were literally starving to death in the hundreds of thousands.

The Czar had fallen into the WWI conspiracy and paid the ultimate price a monarch ever could. Not just the loss of his life, the lives of his family and friends, but his entire dynastic rule of Russia.

Maybe now we have another possible 'winner', apart from France? For who benefitted from Russia's involvement in WWI? The Bolsheviks. The 'Communists'. And who were these 'Communists'? Who formed the core of the 'Russian Revolution' leadership? What clearly identifyable 'group' had their hands on all the levers of power that lead to the Revolution, and then established its 'reign of terror'? Don't ask me. Ask Churchill. Ask thousands of reputable historians. Look at the actual facts of which 'group' of people held all the most influential positions of power within the U.S.S.R. Read my 'Prequel'and then verify all that is exposed there, for yourself, while you can, until the entire internet is totally censored of any 'truth' whatsoever that might obstruct that group in its ambitions for a one world government by them, for them.

Which group was moved one step closer, by having gained the entry of the U.S.A into WWI, to the establishment of its longed for 'homeland' in Palestine? With the 'Balfour Agreement' being the direct consequence of that involvement? The 'payoff' for that certain group in return for abusing their power to trick the citizens of the U.S.A into fighting a war in Europe for the 'Bolshevik' and 'French' territorial gains and enrichment?

Which group of people had more of its 'members' present during the drafting, and signing, of the Treaty of Versailles than any other? Don't take my word for it. Why should you. Read my books and then check the facts and quotes contained in them. But can you guess already?

For some odd reason a mass of German territory was handed over to the Polish nation. Along with millions of Germans who were effectively ripped away from their own people, and their fatherland. Why would such a thing happen?

And why would a totally new and arbitrary and artificial new state be founded, again built upon German territory, and making millions of Germans unwilling participants in this odd experiment? What was the reason for the founding of that Czech-o-slovak-ian nation? Who benefitted from these things? The Polish people? The Czechs and Slavs? You think so? Do you recall what happened to them a few decades later? And their new 'nation'? But we get ahead of ourselves.

So the French, and the Bolsheviks, and the Poles, and maybe Slavs and Czechs, were the 'winners' of WWI. The French and Poles have a long history of imperialism. Of empire building. Of military agression. Go study a little Polish history. You'll be amazed. Forget about 'innocent little Poland' or 'innocent victim France'. History tells an entirely different story. So we might suspect, based on 'cui bono', the question we must ask in any criminal investigation, 'who benefits', who has the 'motive' and 'means', that France and Poland, and whoever it is that formed and rule the 'Bolsheviks' in 'Russia', were the true 'culprits' we should be investigating.

But we saw what happened to Russia, Czechoslovakia, and Poland, after 1945. If they had been the 'winners' of WWI, they surely should have come out of WWII on top as well? Starting from a position of power?

No, all these nations, like Britain, were losers in this ongoing war. They won the first battles perhaps, what we call World War One, but they lost the war. The Russians, Czechs, Poles, Slavs, among the 'victors' of World War One, became the slaves of the Bolsheviks. The Poles were lured into behaving arrogantly and unjustly with the Germans, which lead to their occupation first by Germany, and then by the Bolsheviks.

The Treaty of Versailles was deliberately written to set up all the preconditions for a continuation of the world war in what we call World War Two.

So now we are narrowing down our list of real 'winners' to just the two, France, and the Bolsheviks (and whoever it is that created and established them in power).

But wait, you claim Britain and the U.S.A won WWI? Really? What territorial gains did either make? Did they make a 'profit' out of WWI? Britain amassed huge debts. The American Government's involvement was so small that it put off this fate until after the next installment of the World War, what we call World War Two. But from World War Two onwards, the British lost their empire, and both Britain and the U.S.A became technically bankrupt, debtor nations. Debt slaves.

But to whom we might ask?

And now we come down to solving this puzzle.

Who is the only true victor of every war. Can a nation that has sacrificed its sons, daughters, mothers, and fathers, ever be considered a 'victor' of any war? Do the people benefit from the territorial acquisitions of their leaders? Maybe they can feel a sense of 'national pride' and even imagine they were defending themselves from enemy agressors, sure. But who do you think ends up paying for the wars? The rich? Or the average worker? The poor, now saddled with debts for a war they gained nothing from?

So if the nations all end up in debt, thanks to war, who are they in debt to? Who was it that lent their leaders / masters the money to prosecute the wars? And to whom are those loans, plus interest, being repaid to?

Enter the Bankers. The fianciers. And to which particular group of humans do most of these bankers and fianciers belong? Which 'religion' on this planet expressly commands its followers to 'lend to the nations, and never borrow from them, and you shall rule over them'?

Not familiar with this Cult yet? Really? Well its no suprise, they control the mass media, they censor anything and anyone who speaks up about them. They put people in prison. They used to have them stoned to death by their own loved ones. Today prison is enough. And social ostracism. Demonisation. Criminalisation. Public ridicule as 'conspiracy theorists'. And so on.

Which is why I, like millions of other people who know the facts, tend towards self-censorship, the most powerful of all forms of censorship, and the ultimate desired outcome of all forms of censorship and 'thought criminalisation'.

But back to the role of propaganda in 'justifying' first war crimes, and then later offering 'aboslution' from guilt for those war crimes, and ameolioration of self reproach, self remorse, and regret on the part of the foolish masses, and their local leaders, who fell for the initial war propaganda in the first place.

Now if the American public soon realised they had just fought a war for Bolshevism, without most of them realising who the 'Bolsheviks' really were, and what 'group' they belonged to, and had betrayed Poland and Czecholslovakia, after believing they were fighting to free these innocent, small, victim nations, that they had been fighting for their liberty, and for liberty and democracy in general, they would need some soothing balm for their indignant wounds.

Just imagine how readily they lapped up the propganda about a 'Holocaust'. Now that they could no longer justify their losses and sacrifices, and war crimes, as having protected 'the small nations', and as having furthered the principles of democracy, justice, and liberty. For that horse had bolted. They'd betrayed everything they thought they had been fighting or at Yalta. To a monster that made Hitler's Nazi regime seem like a kindergarten in comparison.

No, the old reasons they'd used to justify all their sacrifices, and their war crimes, mocked them. Ridiculed them. Spat in their faces. The American public, and the British Public, in the exact same position after having been tricked into fighting a war for the Communist World Revolution (for the Cult behind this revolution), and making such huge sacrifices, and incurring such massive debts to the bankers and fianciers, not to mention incurring the moral guilt for war crimes, as war criminals dropping the bombs, or 'aiding and abetting' such war crimes, were desperate for any way to 'justify' all this and 'excuse' it, and put some positive 'spin' on it.

So can you imagine the sigh of relief among all these war criminals and victims when they were offered 'The Holocaust' on a platter? Suddenly they could 'justify' all their own war crimes, and war time sacrifices, in the name of having ended 'The Holocaust', and brought the perpetrators to 'justice' at 'Nuremberg'.

This is just one reason why the most blatant war propaganda of all time is still accepted by the mass of the world's populations as 'history'.

And also evidence that the World War is still ongoing. That we still live under wartime conditions of wartime propaganda.

Some of us have enjoyed a 'break in the fighting' for a few decades. Though in reality all around the world the same true agressors of WWI and WWII have been constantly waging aggressive acts of war, and committing 'Nuremberg' styled 'war-crimes' upon 'small nations'.

The World War is ongoing. As is its propaganda. From 'The Holocaust' to '911'.

The 'Jews' in Palestine are behaving like the Poles in Europe, after World War One. The 'Jews' were 'given' that territory for the same reasons the Poles and Czechs and Slovaks were given the German Territory, still inhabited by Germans. For Palestine is still inhabited by its rightful owners, the Palestinians. Without the world's support for the criminal State of Israel, the 'Jews' would be forced to behave reasonably and to negotiate fairly with the Palestinians and Arabs as equals. Not as a group with the most powerful nations in the world guaranteeing them a 'blank check' to carry out genocide, crimes against humanity, and Nuremberg style war crimes.

The Poles and Czechs and Slovaks were given German territory, inhabited by Germans, to set up the conditions for the next stage of the World War after World War One. The result was World War Two. The result of the Zionist State of Israel's occupation of Palestine will be World War Three. It was all planned over a century ago. Over the course of 3000 years to be more precise.

So back to our 'winners'. The Poles and Czechs were not the winners of World War One, as all they seemed to 'gain' was taken from them a few years later. They certainly were not the winners of World War Two. They were ultimately occupied by the group of people who have 'won' every war since at least World War One. The first installment of their own World War against all of humanity.

The American people won nothing but debts from World War One, World War Two, and all the wars they have been tricked into fighting since, by the same group that occupied Russia in 1917, then all of Eastern Europe in 1945, then Palestine, and even the U.S.A, Germany, France, Australia, and Canada, just to name a few of the 'occupied' nations. You are probably living in one right now. Didn't you realise? Who hates your freedoms? Who hates liberty? Who hates freedom of speech? Who loves censorship? Who loves centralised rule by arbitrary means? Who hates Habeus Corpus? Who hates Posse Comitas? Which Cult has always commanded absolute blind acceptance of obvious propaganda? Which cult has demanded we spy on each other? Which cult hates all 'the nations'? Which cult has granted itself the right to rule this world? By any means necessary? At any cost to its own members, as well as those intended to be ruled?

Which cult has glorified genocide as the role model for all future political action?

Which cult commands its members to practise usury? To 'lend to the nations, and never borrow from them, and thus you shall come to rule over them'?

Which were the ONLY people who, as a result of World War Two, actually did get their own nation? AFter Russia was occupied by them. After all of Eastern Europe was occupied by them? Openly. And after all of Western Europe was SECRETLY occupied by them?

The Western Puppets of this cult at Yalta handed over half the world to the control of this one Cult, and then handed this same Cult Palestine.

The West betrayed every group of people, including themselves, and their morality, their ethics, and everything they supposedly stood for, to this Cults ambitions. And then betrayed the Arab people. And the only group who benefitted, in the form of territorial gains in Palestine, and control of the world's financial power, its mass media power, its political power, was the Cult that has always been the best kept 'open' secret of all time.

That the Cult of Judah has openly stated its intention of ruling the entire world shouldn't be a secret. But apparently it still is. Millenia after being published in the form of the 'Torah'. That its tools are to be genocide. That any person, or nation, or institution, that might obstruct the achievement of this objective, is to be destroyed utterly, without mercy. Men, women, children, their little ones, unborn, and their animals.

The 'terrorists' are the same people. They are the ones who hate your freedoms. Your freedom to resist their occupation with your own guns. Your Constitutional rights to freedom of speech and gun ownership. And 'freedom from foreign entanglements'. They carried out '911'. As a way to get you to submit to their arbitrary rule by 'executive' orders. And who are the 'executives'? The Cult of Judah masters. And what is their objective? The establishment of their 'Jew' World Order. By any means. By all means available.

And what are you doing to stop them enslaving your children, and their children, and their children, for all eternity?

Are you even at least demanding freedom of speech, and freedom from all forms of discrimination for those who would attempt to seek, and publish, the truth about 'The Holocaust' and '911' and 'The 'Jew' World Order'? Let alone the decriminalisation of 'Holocaust Denial' and 'Hate Speech' and 'Racial Vilification'?

What is your response when a Rabbi publishes a series of lectures in which he calls for the Genocide of all Americans, Germans, Italians, French people, (all former members of the Roman Empire'), their women, children, little ones, unborn, along with their animals?

When simply stating the facts about 'Jewish' ownership and control of the mass media, banking, international finance, political parties, pre-selection of party candidates, election campaign funding, Hollywood, and so on, will get your Youtube account terminated, this Rabbi continues to clock up tens of thousands of 'hits' and 'thumbs up' from Youtube viewers?

And even that doesn't arouse your curiousity? Let alone your anger? Your fear? Your rational hatred of this Cult of Judah, and its 'Ideology of Semitism', and it's plans for a 'Jew' World Order. A One World Government based on the simple rule 'Serve the 'Jew' or die'?

I started writing this before I got out of bed. I got out of bed at 9:11. I felt I owed it to you. It has taken hours. I forgot I was freezing cold while writing it. That I desperately needed coffee. And to go to the toilet. I wish I didn't have to devote any of my time or energy to this subject. It is so unprofitable and such a waste of my time. I have much more productive things to do.

But I've done as much as I can to lead you away from the propaganda, the social reality, and towards the best correspondence with 'reality' I can find. Ideally I would proof read and re-edit and improve all my books on this subject. And incorporate a few more insights from my posted videos. But there are more important things to do than worry about this petty world and this petty life. I'd love to save you all from what is coming, but if you stubbornly refuse to be anything more than sheeple, I cannot be held responsible, as I have no response-a-bility other than to research and publish my findings. I have no super powers. I cannot save you. We can save ourselves, if we work together. But most of you are so self-absorbed in personal advance in this world that you have no time to step away and take a look at the world you are trying to advance yourself up in. Most of you don't realise you are actually a member of the Cult of Judah yourself. In its various 'guises' and 'secret societies' and 'religions' and 'ideologies' and 'political movements'.

My back hurts. I've suffered more migraines and nausea in researching and writing and publishing than anyone should ever have to endure in one life.

I'll get back to my music. Unless enough people show interest in my work to indicate that it is worth 'perfecting' and being immediately imprisoned or worse for doing so. For the moment I become effective at what I am seeking to do, I will be identified as a threat to the Cult of Judah's plans for the 'Jew' World Order, and silenced. One way or another. An probably in a nasty way, to send a clear signal to anyone like me who might have otherwise considered taking up the baton, the flame of truth and justice and liberty, that I will have been forced to let fall.

Arise. Awaken. Get off your knees. Get out of your mental prisons. Abandon your cults. Go Vegan. For as you do unto other sentient beings, so shall be done unto you. You cannot hope to be free if you support any form of slavery.

The Cult of Judah view us all, 'Jew' and 'Gentile' alike (for they were the ones who created this artificial distinction) as mere means to their ends. Just as most of us treat other animals as mere means to our own ends. Because we like to eat their roasted flesh, drink their milk, wear their skins, and 'experiment' on them. Most of us treat less powerful humans almost as opportunistically.

If we adopted something like my 'Eden Protocols' and constructed ethics based on my 'Optimal Ethics Generator', then the Cult of Judah would immediately be deprived of any and all power they hold over us. They would become powerless overnight. They would run off to their luxury island retreats to regroup, but they would never ever have a chance at re-occupying our nations, our minds, our mass consciousness, our world, as long as we lived our lives by universal principles of justice, fairness, honesty (even if there is no 'truth' as such) and beauty.

As I've said, perhaps this world was not meant to be 'improved'. Perhaps it is just a training ground. And the lessons learned allow us to escape, as individuals, if we learn them. While the rest continue to be new-born within the schoolroom, over and over, until they learn their lessons.

In which case attempting to optimalises our condition may seem contra-indicated. Only you see that the lesson to be learned is the same as the optimalisation we will seek to bring to this world, the moment we have learned our lessons.

So while there may be no chance of having my 'Optimal Ethics Generator' and 'Eden Protocols' implemented, simply having learned the lessons that lead to them may have been the point of them. Thus by seeking to implement them, I fulfill my 'lesson objectives', and gain freedom from this very low 'tone' world, and access to higher worlds.

As you too can. My objective may not be to solve the problem of this world for this world. As this world, as a problem, is a tool for evolution. It exists to pose the problem, and stimulate / provoke the solution. The aim is individual evolution. And only each individual can achieve it. But my attempt to share my insights with others is part of my own evolution. Even if this world, as a lesson, cannot allow me to share it with anyone.

But being a practical philosopher, and a Humean skeptic, while I entertain this and many other potentially 'correspondent' ideas about 'reality', I do not hold it as a dogmatic idol or 'fact'.

It is just to say that trying to save us all is not inconsistent with the 'lesson' model. And trying to save each other is a good intention. A good motive. And we should keep trying. For maybe this world is all we have. And maybe it is not just some 'schoolroom' where 'karma' teaches us our lessons. Lessons whose content is misery and suffering, as consequences for unethical, immoral behavior and intentions. So that we learn empathy for the suffering of all our potential 'victims' of our own actions and intentions. So we cease entertaining the idea of exploiting other sentient beings as mere means to our own ends. The ends of pleasure and relief.

So either way, rest assured, I shall never stop trying. I may just try in different ways. Less obvious ways. More subtle ways. Different strategies. But all with the same objectives. To free us all from the willingness to deliberately benefit at another's expense. From the intent of abusing any power we have over other sentient beings. From the very idea of merely using other sentient beings as mere means to our own selfish ends of pleasure and relief.

I have said so much already. Written too many books. I have no idea why you'd take me seriously, given the massive investment the Cult of Judah makes in marketing its own propaganda and counter-markus materials. Imagine having the 100 million dollars it costs to make one 'Holocaust' movie, to use for counter-propaganda purposes!

Or imagine if I had 13 million dollars to fight a court case against the Cult of Judah. That's what the Cult of Judah spent on just one court case involving David Irving. It was a simple libel case. Nothing at all.

Oh well, I hope the last few hours of my life were not wasted upon you, dear reader.

Remember, as Ghandi said, the only means to peace is peace. You can never get peace through violence. The Cult of Judah are just waiting for the slightest excuse to take away our guns. To activate every executive order. To impose martial law. To bring in their 'Jew'.N 'peace' keepers. To impose their 'Jew' World Order.

I have real strategies that would succeed, if a few hundred thousand people got behind me, and thus drew the attention and passive support of millions of people.

But otherwise we will get the final installment of the Cult of Judah's 'War against the world', in the form of World War Three. The 6 million 'Jews' in Palestine, alone with millions of other 'Arabs' will be offered as a true 'holocaust', 'a burned offering of a sweet savor unto the lord'. We will get martial law imposed on us. Maybe a few nukes will obliterate a few of our cities. We will become slaves. Those of us who refuse to submit will be killed, and our organs harvested.

No joke folks. This is all coming within years. Decades at the latest.

So what are you going to do? Just deny it all? Pray to your Cult of Judah god? The fake god they created to grant their own 'laws and statutes' the 'transferred authority' of a 'god'?

Please read my TROONATNOOR books. Watch my videos. Help me help you.

Actually I am better off if you do not. I don't want the responsibility. But I will take it, if life offers me the response-a-bility. I am a born philosohper-King, as arrogant as that sounds. But I am wise enough to know it would be a terrible job. Ask Marcus Aurelius.

All is vanity and vexation of spirit? Maybe. Or maybe all that is 'Karma' to teach us the lessons we need to learn before we could ever be allowed 'out of the cage' we have been born into, for the protection of more evolved sentient beings?

Oh well, Happy Next Lives.

Go Vegan !

It is now 12.23. I will take this to the library to upload. I hope it has some positive impact.

It would be so much easier if my subject was not so holistic. To try to 'join the dots' in your mind, between things you'd never have thought of as 'connected' in any way.

I don't know how much I forgot to write, while writing this. What I intitially intended writing as I lay in bed? I hope I didn't miss anything important! Probably only occur to me later, at the most inconvenient time, as usual.

May the beautiful peace of truth and justice and good will be yours. And not the ugly 'peace' of injustice and propaganda that every tyrant wishes for you. The peace of the slave with no freedom to oppose their masters. The peace of tyranny. The peace of the master imposing their will upon their powerless slaves.

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