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RE: Off the beaten path (for me): Let's talk Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti, Swamp Devil, etc... [Cryptozoology]

in #cryptozoology7 years ago

I personally am interested in ALL of the above. :) Anything mysterious is like a personal adventure to be part of. Many of them may prove to be false, but a big part of the fun is the seeking.

My wife encountered a cryptid I don't see people talking about and it seems pretty rare as we heard only a few limited tales about it around the area she encountered it. It was a really big bat and it was on a mountain pass in Colorado not too far from the Utah border. By Big... it was standing over some roadkill deer and was probably a good 3 feet tall as my wife's vehicle came up to it and the head lights were on it long enough for it to do a kind of hissing action, and then fly away. It startled her, but she encountered a few other people that had seen it in that area over the years, though I've never actually encountered other people talking about it on the internet. :)


La chupacabra or disfigured coyote. Loch Ness monster or a log. Cryptozoology is interesting, but it can easily be classified as fiction. It is good to attract tourists and scare kids. Wouldn't it be fun though if one of the creatures actually gets discovered :)
My grandma, who is now 96 years old said that she saw a Dragon once, her definition of a Dragon was a big snake. That big bat sure sounds interesting, but as always it could be anything really.

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