
Another week, another batch of clueless hucksterism from our favorite "CEO" of shitcoinia - Roger Ver!

He has no comment on the soon-to-be-failed Bitmain IPO, no comment on the impending multi-fork event for BCash, no comment on how he handled himself at the "debate" - shouting over Jimmy Song along with his paid-for peanut gallery.

Its just the standard operating procedure for someone becoming progressively more desperate. He needs SOMETHING to happen, because Roger knows that BCash is slipping into irrelevancy.

Their relative hashrate is STILL struggling to get over 10%, and most times is under that amount - even slipping under 5%. That is the true metric of any cryptocurrency, whether you can maintain the security of your chain.

Well, Roger isn't going to have much security left after Coingeek/Calvin Ayre jumps ship with Craig "Faketoshi" Wright. How bad is it going to be once about 26 - 30% of BCash hashing power leaves?

It opens them up to all kinds of technical attacks, noteably the ability to be forked by a 51% attack -- then the attacker could make all of the BCash basically worthless by changing the consensus rules.

Its all coming to a head for Roger, but he's too busy acting like a jackass on cruises and pumping his BCash bags at different conferences to care much.

I wonder when the lawsuits will start after everyone loses everything they've had. Being the face of a coin may sound like fun, but after this is said and done Roger Ver will have to go into hiding.

It will be worse than Bitconnect, worse then Gox imploding, worse then any of the ICO scams.

And it couldn't happen to a more deserving psychopathic, ethically bereft grifter than Roger Ver.


BCash To Zero

Roger, if I may... I know I'm not the only one who has been thinking about this. I'm a fan of the ethos, I want just like everyone else here for crypto to thrive, for it to take over and change the landscape for good.

Because of this ideal I hold, I have to say that, I'm still a little baffled with the whole cruise debates. You could say I'm being naive, but honestly, its hard enough to explain to people the value proposition of cryptos, and the shouting matches added a few more scars to the outward projection of the movement.

I guess you don't have to respond, but I wanted to speak my peace. I mean, I'm all for spreading the gospel, spreading the knowledge, all for it. But seeing tribalism take over like that, really bothered me.

Thanks for putting me thoughts to well articulated words.

Here's to wishing we can hopefully get the response we secretly wish for.

BCH is based on a fundamental understanding of the philosophy behind Bitcoin. Bitcoin's purpose is not to be able to make small-scale transactions on the blockchain. From the very beginning, Nick Szabo, who created the concept behind Bitcoin, argued that a secondary payment layer would be needed.

I guess... You bot?

Why does there even NEED to be arguments or tribalism going on within the crypto community??? Buy some BTC, buy some BCH.... if either of them goes up THEN WHO can be mad???? Win/Win.

Have been trying to increase the adoption of BCH for months now.

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