in #cryptocurrency7 years ago


 Lendroid is a 0x-inspired, non-rent seeking, trust-independent, open protocol enabling decentralized lending, margin trading and short selling on the Ethereum blockchain. It aims to solve the shortcomings of centralized exchanges by creating a global shared lending pool, and a symbiotic off-chain infrastructure supported by incentivized participants - Relayers and Wranglers. Simply put, Lenders contribute their offers to the lending pool through relayers, who then match the offers with appropriate traders. The traders can use the borrowed funds to margin trade, make a profit, and repay the lenders. 

 Lendroid seeks to overcome on-chain limitations of latency and impractical gas cost by creating a symbiotic off-chain infrastructure supported by incentivized participants. The native token keeps the network operational, fuels the utility layer of the protocol and offers security to community governance. The ecosystem nurtures a decentralized, global, shared lending pool. 


 The lender is the primary participant on the Lendroid platform. The protocol’s soundness is validated only by his sustained, profitable participation. The lender’s trust in the trust-independent protocol will power the creation of a global lending pool. To this end, innovative rules and fail safes have been put in place to not let down his basic expectations – of protecting his capital and earning risk-free interest in a low-friction manner.

 In point of fact, Lendroid was initially intended as a decentralized lending platform. Broadly, the process was designed thus: A borrower pledges digital assets into an escrow account, and the lender defines specific terms for the loan – amount, interest rate, loan period, loan to value (LTV) – set in a smart contract. 

If the lender’s and borrower’s terms match, the smart contract is executed, locking in the collateral and releasing the funds to the borrower. If the borrower satisfies the loan obligations, his collateral is unlocked automatically. If the borrower defaults or the collateral drops below the agreed LTV, the collateral is liquidated 

 Lendroid is all about creating a symbiotic infrastructure and trading environment. This enables keeping the network operational by creating a global pool. There are many advantages of this new coin offering.• Non-rent seeking: As we already mentioned this is a decentralized operating platform. All the transactions are operational using throughput off-chain utility actors.
• Autonomous: The user funds have no well-demarcated custodian. This is because the smart party removes the counterparty risks to a large extent. The lenders are not controlled by any centralized authority. This is why it brings about a sense of operational efficiency.
• Liquidity is shared: Lendroid supports a wide range of exchanges. It is also compatible with a large range of exchange protocols. The global pool also enhances the overall liquidity condition.
• Negotiable fees: The lending fees and interest rates can be negotiated offline.
• Provides multi-chain support: It creates a compatible eco-system and provides multi-chain operations. 


  1. Lendroid is all about creating a symbiotic infrastructure and trading environment. This enables keeping the network operational by creating a global pool. There are many advantages of this new coin offering.
  2.  Non-rent seeking: As we already mentioned this is a decentralized operating platform. All the transactions are operational using throughput off-chain utility actors.
  3. Autonomous: The user funds have no well-demarcated custodian. This is because the smart party removes the counterparty risks to a large extent. The lenders are not controlled by any centralized authority. This is why it brings about a sense of operational efficiency.
  4. Liquidity is shared: Lendroid supports a wide range of exchanges. It is also compatible with a large range of exchange protocols. The global pool also enhances the overall liquidity condition.
  5.  Negotiable fees: The lending fees and interest rates can be negotiated offline.
  6.  Provides multi-chain support: It creates a compatible eco-system and provides multi-chain operations. 



  • Ticker: LST
  • Token type: ERC20
  • ICO Token Price: 1 LST = 0.0197 USD (0.00002 ETH)
  • Fundraising Goal: 47,300,000 USD (50,000 ETH)
  • Sold on pre-sale: 42,000,000 USD (NO BONUSES)
  • Total Tokens: 12,000,000,000
  • Min/Max Personal Cap: TBA / 0.46 ETH
  • Token Issue: FEB 26
  • Accepts: ETH

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