Getting Really Excited about Gym Rewards and Earning Cryptocurrency through proof of exercise.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

You may have noticed I've caught the crypto bug, but I'm also taking my exercise and fitness goals to the next level after reaching one of my running goals just a few days ago.

So why not blend them together, with a crytpocurrency you earn with Proof of Exercise

I went out searching for a project exactly like this last week and found a few options. With the steemit fitness challenge coming to and end and my previous fitness reward app called PACT I used to use now shut down I was looking for something else to give me that extra push.

GYM is the one that struck out to me as my early favorite, I like that they have a clear timeline for launch of there App on May 15th. I feel that there total volume of tokens are very clear and they are conservative at the ICO sale and with holding the vast majority of tokens as rewards. They also have a free airdrop of 100 Tokens going on at this time.

I'm really excited about all these novel ideas for the use of crytocurrencies and blockchain technology, and really excited for the future. Just the other day I went on and on about MannaBase and there UBI.

Who know's maybe next year, I can live comfortable earning cryptos blogging on steemit, using presearch as my searchbroswer, exercising everyday and who knows what comes next, earning for eating healthy or spending time with my kids or meditating. I think we're really on the cusp of some big and exciting changes.

I'm also so excited about this project, your going to see a new temporary banner at the bottom of my blogs as I give my first ever crypto bounty campaign a try.

PS, this is all just my opinion and own excitement, not financial advice, please don't quite your job yet. And lastly there are lots of referral link in this blog, just wanna be upfront.

GYM Rewards ● Decentralized Proof of Exercise Blockchain and Apps ● TOKEN (GYM)

Footer by @bearone


Wow this is very neat and an interesting idea. What ever can build up fitness more on this platform I'm all for. I'm excited for this launch :)

Yeah, I'm all for anything that can help motivate people to get fit and stay fit.

I get lots of exercise working in the garden and remodeling the small house. I will be doing AirCrete soon, so I will get lots there too. This is a great idea for many people that want to get paid for exercising. My payment comes from fresh vegetables and such. Keep Stacking!

Exactly! And the gardening is probably more profitable.... especially for anyone that would need to buy the technological equipment in order to participate.

Well @phelimint simply loved the innovation that you have put in. Thoughtfulness and innovation are indeed part of Steem values and it's amazing to see it's true implementation. Excited about the project, I wish it work well for all of us. Cheers!

In proof of exercise. Check my Running for Neo post

Apps like these are going to be good motivators, but I dont see the tokens as able to have value unfortunately.

There are just too many ways to fake the activities to "mine" the tokens.

I'm seeing Chinese sweatshops getting all over these.

You do have to wonder if people are going to abuse this somehow, someone always does right, I guess time will tell, but hopefully they find a way to combat it.

I agree we could be entering an era of big and exciting changes. I wouldn’t have imagined 5 years ago that we could get paid from social media, exercising etc. Amazing!

Looks pretty interesting. Will have to check. But the other day I tried registering in a similar one, it did not allow me because I was from India :(

Well, first of all big Cheers for Humanitarian effort and really adding to the value of this community.

This step definitely seems to be a big step towards the bridging of cryptoworld to daily lives.

Only thing, is that how are we going to keep track of unmonitored fitness activities.

I'm not sure the master plan, I know you will be able to "check in" at gyms.

I am curious and tried to subscribe to one of these cryptocurrency-earning "Gyms" a few days ago. I was not accepted because of my age ...

Really, that's surprising, you would think anyone could participate..hmmmm.

Man, I was really excited when I saw that they've enabled mining through exercising! But then I noticed the requirement of joining a gym. Oh well, I guess we just gotta wait until an app eventually comes along that rewards you for exercising anywhere and anytime.

Who know's maybe next year, I can live comfortable earning cryptos blogging on steemit, using presearch as my searchbroswer, exercising everyday and who knows what comes next, earning for eating healthy or spending time with my kids or meditating. I think we're really on the cusp of some big and exciting changes.

Haha crypto for spending time with children. Now that's way out there man!

Lately, I too have been busy trying to maximize my earning by blogging at a secondary website and using adfly links wherever possible there.
I don't know what the Steemit community thinks about using adfly links though, but I'm guessing it won't be too positive. So for now, I'll stay away from using them here!

I do think links are more of a grey area and as long as it's not spam or your not making totally egregious claims or trying to lie of deceive anyone. The few times I've done it it's generally been well received but we shall see.

Nice, I guess I'll consider using them in any of my future posts if required then. Thanks for sharing your experience!

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