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RE: @mindhunter Asks: How Would You Allocate a $100K In Cryptocurrency? [A Killer Strategy That Works!]

I like this strategy :)
What I did some 4 months ago was to allocate 'a lot' to Ripple, and that was just bulls eye wasn't it :) I did that because of their model and most of all because of their management, board of directors and investors. Still today I have up to 25% of my funds allocated to Ripple (and Lumens, another winner of late).
But again, I like your strategy to go into the crypto 'blue chips' !!


Yeah Laurence, it's just the 'blue chip' strategy and it works incredibly well for cryptos too ;) Ripple has done really well recently as has Steem ... 2 months ago I hoovered up Steem at $0.06 and now it's worth $0.73!!

Getting close to those 20 votes baby! ;)

I know, I'm starting to feel it :))
I have Steem as my 5th largest position, bought them later than you, but I'm not selling them that is for sure !

For me right now #1. BTC #2. Steem ; I'm not doing that blue chip thang right now, as I've got holidays to Poland and Israel coming up, plus I want to concentrate on my Steeming as I'm now making 100-150 Steem a day on here now :))

And well deserved ! You have a great blog !
The reason I am heavily invested in 'bank' coins is that I know a lot of affluent people who are interested but haven't bought any cryptos yet, however, when they do (as they are more 'mainstream') they will be buying things they understand, and banking is one of them :)

... and being an old Steemian blockchain pro by then, you'll be so very far ahead of them Laurence. Nice :)

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