Become a member of the system that turns the help of ecology into money!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago



The Blockchain is a continuous sequential chain of blocks containing information built according to certain rules. Frequently copies of the chain of blocks are stored on different computers independently of each other.

Cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange that uses cryptography to secure its transactions, to control the creation of additional units, and to verify the transfer of assets. Cryptocurrencies use decentralized control as opposed to centralized electronic money and central banking systems. The decentralized control of each cryptocurrency works through a blockchain, which is a public transaction database. The stability of the database of the chain of transactions is ensured by the use of the cryptographic elements such as a digital signature based on a public key system or sequential hashing.

ICO or Initial coin offering is a form of attracting investments. In an ICO, a quantity of the crowdfunded cryptocurrency is preallocated to investors in the form of "tokens", in exchange for legal tender or other cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin or ethereum. These tokens supposedly become functional units of currency if or when the ICO's funding goal is met and the project launches.

EcoToken (ET) is a decentralized сryptocurrency, which is received as a result of financial turnover directed at improving the ecology on the planet or implementing a global environmental project. The ET currency was created and will be launched on the world exchanges in March 2018 by the "EcoToken Blockchain" team.


Today in many places of the Earth, due to the carbon emission and harmful substances, the composition of the atmospheric air has changed. The rivers and lakes have become unsuitable for life, huge areas of forests, many animals and plants have disappeared. All these created problems that a person must decide before it's too late. The EcoToken Blockchain team highlights 10 main problems of our time, which must be addressed first!

  1. Climate Change
    Global warming is considered the most important reason for climate change in recent time and it’s aftermath will become more evident in the next hundred years. Governments around the world are carrying out contradictory work to cross stop the destructive climate transformations.

  2. Energy
    Generation of energy is a serious source of ecological damage, mainly due to the burning of fossil fuels. Coal, oil and gas power stations are the main source of electricity throughout the planet and contribute to the generation of most of the CO2 emission into the atmosphere.

  3. Water
    Australia, as the driest populated continent in the world, is particularly vulnerable to water pollution. Many other metropolitan cities also face shortage of drinking water and are forced to impose limitation to its use. Agriculture is the main reason for water level decrease and water pollution in Australia. Irrational methods of irrigation and use of fertilizers and pesticides within this sector are the main reason of for pollution of water facilities.

  4. Biodiversity and land use
    The irrational use of land has led to the degradation of many valuable ecosystems and the loss of irreplaceable biodiversity. In Australia, there are more than 1500 terrestrial species that are currently on the disappearing list and this trend shows no signs of slowing down. It should be conceived that the resources we need for life are not taken from the thin air, but are provided by the abundance of various ecosystems such as the creation of oxygen, natural water filtration and nutritive cycling, thus pollution is the result of the work of a complicated mechanism of living nature in which we humans is are only one of the links.

  5. Chemical, toxic substances, and grave heavy metals
    Although toxic substances naturally occur, in the last 250 years a humans have actively damaged the environment using synthetic contaminants which they themselves created. Chemicals, toxic substances and heavy metals are all sources of such harmful effects, the damage they cause is sometimes colossal, this is especially evident in the areas of heavy industry and agriculture.

  6. Air pollution
    Considering the problems which are associated with air pollution, most often talk about the release of greenhouse effect gases. However, there are many other forms of negative impact that affect our atmosphere. When burning fossil fuels, especially coal, many other compounds are formed, besides the popularly known carbon dioxide. Sulfur and nitrogen are also by-products of coal combustion and can cause large ecological problems. Acid rain caused by these two compounds can lead to harm to both ecology and humans.

  7. Waste management
    The irrational treatment of waste products has led to a multiplicity of ecological problems on the Earth. Modern societies have significantly increased the number of waste products that are constantly replenished due to the irrepressible pace of production and packaging processes, this, in turn, is due to fast population growth and the need to sustain it.

  8. The destruction of the ozone layer
    The depletion of our ozone layer is mainly due to the release of chlorofluorocarbons into the atmosphere. When chlorofluorocarbons reach the upper layers of the atmosphere, they force ozone molecules to disintegrate, causing so called ozone holes, the largest of which is above the Antarctic.

  9. Oceans and fisheries
    Fish stocks are depleted in many areas of the world's oceans. Valuable species of fish experience a catastrophic decline in their population. The so-called cod crisis is an example of people's readiness to exploit the Earths natural resources until they disappear completely.

  10. Deforestation
    Deforestation around the world goes at scaring speeds, deforestation destroys a vital habitat for plants and animals. This leads to a loss of biological diversity and deterioration of the state of important ecosystems, as well as to the growth of the greenhouse effect due to a decrease in the amount of photosynthesis. Humanity must decide all ecological problems together, but the question crops up how to unify people from different parts of the world? We have a ready decision! That's why we are creating our project "EcoToken Blockchain". We will unify the world with only one purpose to save the ecology of the Earth, and we will do this through the development of an electronic currency, which will be the equivalent of good from human to nature!




The EcoToken Blockchain team it is a group of people who are not indifferent to the economic problems, we are united by a general goal to help the Earth, but many problems, such as economic, territorial or language barriers, don’t give opportunities to make ecology better. For example, how to build an air purification plant in China or create a forest plantation in Brazil without completely understanding their legal foundations, not having the perfect understanding of local language!

After an extensive brainstorming a unique model of interaction has been built between people who want to influence the environment, invest money and people energy or as well as involve companies that have the opportunity to create the necessary ecological projects, have the knowledge, experience or power but lack the means for implementation that they receive from the former.







Dates: February 25 - March 11, 2018

Cost: 1 - EcoToken - 0.001 ETH

Accepted currencies: ETH, BTC

Pre-sale bonus: February 25 - 28 - 50%

Pre-sale bonus: March 1 - 11 - 40%

Maximum sell: 15 000 000 ET (15%)

Sale EcoToken


Cost: 1 - EcoToken - 0.001 ETH

Accepted currencies: ETH, BTC

Bonus structure: 

3 bonus - 30%

4 bonus - 15% 

Token distribution: Automatic, after ICO completion

General purpose (in US dollars): 4 600 000 $ USD


Meet the amazing team behind this amazing project that will change the world


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