Another company that gets off the ship of the Bitcoin, while another tackles would you like to know which companies I speak?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

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For no one is a secret that the scalability of the bitcoin is the main reason why its commissions are so high and together with it the long time for the confirmation of the transactions made. This being the main drawbacks when it comes to using it as a means of payment of products making the users pay much more of the real cost of a product.

This has not only been noticed by the users but also by the companies that accept this means of payment for their products, this is the case of stripe, which included Bitcoin in its service in 2014, because before exposed less and fewer of its clients were doing Pag You by this means. In addition there was a bigger problem, the market be so unstable, so much that from one minute to another can go down or up to $100 and the transaction time oscillate above 20 min for each transaction, was paying more or receiving less of the desired payment for each One of their products reporting big drawbacks in finances.

The company said it will take three months for customers to gradually reduce the use of the service, until the company stops processing payments with Bitcoin on April 23rd of this year. This is not to say that they are closing the idea of integrating cryptocoins as a means of payment for their products or services, they said that they are striving to integrate other cryptographic currencies to their platform, such as those corresponding to the blockchains of OmiseGO, of Ethereum or stellar, project which helped to finance. In addition, they said they might integrate Bitcoin variants, such as BCash and Litecoin. They said it is possible that Bitcoin can be integrated again in the future, if the improvements that are being developed in the network are successful.

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And while some leave the other services want to enjoy the advantages that Bitcoin offers, this is the case of Nasdaq CEO, who recently stated in an interview that this stock exchange is rethinking its plans regarding the future contract of Bitcoin they plan to offer, which was announced last November. According to this, they are looking to create a future type of Bitcoin contract that is totally different from those already on the market.

We are interested in what is happening with Lightning and other proposals to allowfaster payments [...] Bitcoin could be re-viable as a method of payment again in the future. And, of course, there will be many more ideas and technologies in the coming years.

Tom Karlo
Product Manager, Stripe

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And while some leave the other services want to enjoy the advantages that Bitcoin offers, this is the case of Nasdaq CEO, who recently stated in an interview that this stock exchange is rethinking its plans regarding the future contract of Bitcoin they plan to offer, which was announced last November. According to this, they are looking to create a future type of Bitcoin contract that is totally different from those already on the market.

We continue to investigate the idea of Cryptocoins futures with a partner, and we continue to analyze the risk management in this regard, making sure that we are implementing the correct protocols, ensuring that there is adequate demand, and that the Contract is different from those that already exist.

Adena Friedman
CEO, Nasdaq

These actions are carried out on the basis of speculation in the increase in future costs that will be bitcoins by seeing very gratifying gains. That is, they are working on the basis of a future of total returns. In a nutshell, Nasdaq would be posing, rather than a future contract, the introduction of new financial instruments with Bitcoin. Nasdaq is the second largest stock exchange in the United States and has a greater volume of exchange than any other stock exchange in the world; In it, more than 7,000 shares of medium and small capitalization are quoted. In Nasdaq, technology, informatics and telecommunications companies are generally quoted; So any instrument you decide to do with Bitcoin will have a positive impact on the cryptocoin and more still reflected towards your prices.

The fact is that BTC still has very large weaknesses in providing its services, although due to the low current prices of the cryptocoins, the impact of the commissions has decreased sufficiently to make the use of minor transactions feasible. The problem is when it increases its value.

For more detailed information you can review the original sources:

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Source 2


cool post buddy

thanks friend.

quite interesting. makes you think what kind of implications these coming and going will do for the coin. I sure hope they indeed implement some improvements on the coin, just like the Stripe CEO hopes.

One of the things I've learned in the business of the cryptocoins is that you should be informed day-to-day about everything that revolves around them. Thanks for the support.

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