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RE: Are We Seeing A Blow Off Top in Bitcoin? It Might Not Matter

Ah, I became a total scaredycat today and completely pulled my money out of all crypto. I'm a very new and nervous investor, and I have made 25% profit (which as someone who normally invests in real estate.... is amazing) . Being completely unsure about what is going to happen next... and having to travel all of next week I thought I'd just take a breather and relax and just enjoy the fact I've made some great profits.

I'm obviously already feeling so many feelings watching BTC get closer and closer to $19k... but I think I've made the right decision for me.



Well BTC is back below 16k as I type this so...thats the roller coaster :-) I invest in real estate too and blog about it on my website. I have rentals and an just managing those of late as crypto has eaten up all my time.

Haha, it is a rollercoaster... it's looking like it might be a bit sketchy today as well.
I'm in the same boat... I've spent so much more time researching Crypto over the last month, I really should check up on those properties... but they just aren't as fun.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 64536.58
ETH 2626.67
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.83