What's your story? How did you get into Crypto? Any tips?

in #crypto7 years ago

People fascinate me. I love hearing stories about failures, successes, and just life in general. Life is such a complex yet wonderful and sometimes painful experience, but that's the fun of it all, isn't it? The journey. I'd love to hear how YOU landed on Steemit, the journey that YOU took to get here. It gives me a better idea of your story. I'm interested in YOU.

Like any good leader I'll lead by example and give away my story:

One dreary night

One dreary and miserable night I was stuck indoors and chatting with my distant friend over Facebook; these are the times that I'm prone to getting into long and drawn out conversations about the best processor to buy for my motherboard or the latest gpu that I can afford. It was different today because again, my wife and I were slowly heading towards bankruptcy which we managed to avoid two years previously. My wife doesn't work anymore and I am the sole provider for our family. I had been venting my financial frustrations to my geeky friend and, probably bored of hearing me constantly whinge all night he suggested that I should try bitcoin. Like any dog with a bone I jumped on the bandwagon and began to research it.

Imagine my dismay when I had just found out that bitcoin was now on a slow decline after peaking at $1000. The horror I felt after learning that Bitcoin, only a year previously, was barely $3. Of course, after learning this, greed had invested every chasm of my body and I set about learning everything there was to know about Bitcoin. I had a brand new gpu and there was absolutely no way that anyone was going to stop me from mining that stuff. No way. I started around the time that ASICs had entered the market. It felt to me, at the time, like I was the Donkey and Bitcoin was the eternal carrot on the stick.

Altcoin rules

That's where I first learned about altcoin and my running into projects two feet first and with my eyes closed. You will not believe the amount of shitcoins that I invested in thinking I was going to be the next Bill Gates. I can remember lying in bed with the Mrs; her, sceptical, and me, eyes wide and full of dreams of lifelong riches. None of them came to pass, though. If I was lucky I earned my money back but most of the arseholes I invested in broke the blockchain and ran away with the money.

Paycoin was my first victory. I walked out of that project with 14 Bitcoins at a time when they were valued at $300 each. If only I had bloody kept them until now, right? But my success was short lived because like a complete numbskull I shoved 10 of those bitcoins back in for the revolutionary new Paycoin that was set to benchmark the industry standard. Let me tell you I white knuckled those coins until they were dust, and as my largest win it was also my biggest loss. That Christmas I sunk the last of my savings into Profitcoin and like a total bastard, some of my Christmas money. I lost it all. Tired, and worn, I gave up on Crypto that year.

A turning point

A small glimmer of hope was to be found at the beginning of last year though. A coin that I thought was lost came into play again and has won me consistent profits since then. Breakout coin to be exact. That's when I found Steemit. Someone mentioned Steemit on the Breakout Slack and like a curious old dog I had a look. Okay, I'll admit, at first Steemit blew my fucking mind. I think my first seven posts topped $5k and like a happy camper I laughed all the way to the bank. I took the family on holiday that year and invested some money back into crypto. But all good things come to an end; after my high came the lows of earning $0.01 after $0.01 and I decided to leave it for a while. I let this account grow, white knuckled my other investments and concentrated on my blog. It's worked out very well in the end.

It's a different landscape

For me, the beginning of 2016 saw a real spurt in crypto. Before 2016 we saw shitcoin after shitcoin being made from the back of the Bitcoin blockchain or the Litecoin one. Carbon copies that did nothing. 2016 saw a great and exciting new rise in innovation. There are so many good projects to choose from now with viable and physical entities behind them. If you want my top picks for long term success I'd say Ethereum, Breakout Coin, Singular DTV, Steem and Bytecoin if you fancy a wee gamble.

And that's my story. What's yours?


Thanks for sharing, Raymond, following you

Following you too! Thanks :)

I got into Crypto back in 2011. I bought 10 Bitcoin on MT Gox exchange but lost all of them when it got hacked. I have been awarded back 50% in the bankruptcy which followed but to date have not received any back as there is a court case pending.

It turns out now that because bitcoin is so valuable today that we could all be made whole if the bankruptcy had not taken place but we cannot be made whole as there is no way back from undoing what's been done.

Hear you there - I'm glad I missed that but I did read about it! I hope you get them back!

I'm in crypto from 2013, I saw the crash by my own eyes and stack, I also bought ether at 60, ether is the future, it will come n°1 soon I think.
I will post more in the next month because now i'm under the final exams.
Thank for your post (upvoted).

Thanks! Yes. I'm going to fill my boots on Ehter soon I think.

I'll try to write my story tomorrow

Thank you for being so candid! My journey in crypto started in Feb 2016. My friend encouraged me to join a club that pays out members profits. We are still getting paid, but honestly I think it's a Ponzi Scheme (AIRBIT CLUB).

I got super ballsy and borrowed $160,000 from family and friends to invest in altcoins. People told me it was a gamble. It was the best decision I ever made! I was one of the lucky people who got ETH at $7.
I'll be honest and admit that I focus on the investment side vs the technology, but also think the tech is great. I'm really enjoying this journey. There is so much to learn!

I look froward to your future posts and am now following you!

Thank you, and nice move!! You'll be a millionaire now :)

I started buying cryptocurrencies about 1 year ago (when i was 16) buying very little amounts and mainly learning about BTC and Blockchain technology. I mainly discovered it because i really didn't like the idea of banks to much and that Bitcoin was digital currency that can be sent to person to person around the world that was awesome to me and still is.

Such a good idea to get in on it as young as you are. That is amazing!


I bought my first bit of btc back in 2013, Thought I would get into mining and so I ordered a 1terahash miner and the guy kept me waiting for about 3 months and I never received the miner :/ but i did manage to get a refund after many phone calls and headaches with my cc company. Ended up buying a few more btc but the market went stale so i sold in 2016. Just stated collecting bit of ltc and btc again :)

Thanks for sharing, iam new here so you will be the first person i will follow :D

Keep up the good work!

Your such an entertaining writer loved the way you shared this story! Thanks for sending to me :)

I got into crypto from studying blockchain in college..trying to use these investments to pay off student loans!

I hope it works out for you, I really do! I hear student debt is excrutiating now

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 65811.45
ETH 2675.69
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.88