Crypto Art And Design Challenge Round 9 Iota : Crypto Drips

Here is my cryptoart entry to the design challenge by @sndbox. The cryptocurrency we are working on is Iota. You can read about the contest details here This is my second time to join, too bad I miss the contest round on Stellar cryptocurrency.

For this entry I was inspired by Jackson Pollock's work. Jackson Pollock is an American painter and a major influence in the abstract expressionist movement. He was well known for his unique style of drip painting and use of household paints. He uses the weight of his whole body when painting especially for large canvases.

I use a background of paint splash and drips typical of a Jackson Pollock work. The challenge in using such a busy background could be tricky. I use colors on my main subject which is the Iota logo but it could easily get lost by blending in the background. I think keeping the dark or black solid color would help it stand out. I know that is a risk I need to take. I do not see any other way of designing this yet again busy Iota logo than a solid color with dark value. I think this choice works for the benefit of both: the inspiration of J.Pollock and Iota logo in one composition supporting each other rather than competing for attention.
Thank you for reading my post I hope you like it.

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