A DIALOGUE WITH MY ART STUDENTS about the opportunities that STEEMIT and other social networks provide for their artistic practices.

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)


Hello to all members of the beautiful Steemit family.

I am a professor at the National Experimental University of the Arts Unearte, in Caracas, Venezuela, in which I am the facilitator of a very interesting Credit Unit called Community Artistic Project in which aspirants to the Bachelor of Arts degree have the opportunity to put into practice the knowledge and skills they acquire, managing cultural projects in real communities during the eight semesters of their university career. In keeping with my vision of the artistic practice, I emphasize how fundamental it is that they learn to manage and administrate their own projects, in view of the almost null contribution that the government allocates to artistic creation initiatives. I try to train them in areas such as finance, marketing and cultural management. In fact, as part of the Evaluation Plan that I apply to my students to rate their progress, they have to publish through networks the achievements they are reaching in the 4 projects they are developing in groups. The projects they carry out are:

1.-Dance as a support for health and self-expression, and is aimed to grandmothers.

2.- The artisan video made through smart phones as a form of self-knowledge and expression, and is developed in a children's hospital.

3.- A laboratory for the production of small cultural events.

4.- Art as a resource for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections. These last two projects are carried out in a public high school for teenagers who wish to be visual artists.


Because of the difficulties faced by an artist in a economically depressed country like Venezuela, I insist on the importance of making efficient use of social networks to disseminate their projects and get international support to make them sustainable over time. "Whoever is not in the networks - I tell them again and again - simply does not exist". My preferred platform, of course, is Steemit because it would allow them not only to disseminate their projects but, eventually, to get some financial support in Steem.... So far 5 of my students have already joined Steemit and at least 9 are waiting to be accepted. A special mention deserves one of my students, @zaxan who has been generating excellent content for a long time and who is a tangible example of success on this network. He is part of The Ark Project @elarca, a team that supports artistic initiatives on our platform.

On October 30th of this year, when I celebrated my 55th birthday, by the way, I had the opportunity to organize with my students a Conversation on Art and Social Networks in which some writer friends who attended the 1st Poetic Encounter of the South shared with them their experiences in network management in support of their artistic practices. Obviously my presentation was about Steemit and at the end of it I had the great joy of announcing to my students that, thanks to the support of @juliakponsford, who had the generous initiative of delegating me a significant amount of Steem Power, I am able to somehow promote their projects in Steemit. I proposed to them to designate Julia as our godmother and... of course, everyone agreed... It would be great if you would also support us and become godparents of these young dreamers..... In Venezuela we only have the alternative of appealing to international solidarity to ensure that Art does not die.


In the photos, some moments of the Forum... I talked about Steemit with my dear students. I was wearing a very "discreet" phosphorescent green t-shirt, hehehe :-D.


100% original content. The texts are of my intellectual authorship.

https://www.deepl.com/en/translator helps me with the traslation

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