How \many different Peoples can the United States fuck over?

in #writing5 years ago

I am not sure where to start with this one! All my life I had been under the impression that the Native North Americans had born the brunt of lies by the U.S. Government but then I read about the Marshall Islands.
“What are the Marshall Islands” you might ask and rightly so you should. They are a series of Coral Atolls in the South Pacific about 5,000 miles West of L.A. and about the a thousand miles South of Hawaii. Still wondering about why I am bringing them into my quandary? Well, I guess that one of the Atolls in the Marshall Islands should answer that, “Bikini Atoll” is probably the best known. These Islands bore the brunt of the United States Nuclear Testing in the late forties and early fifties and at one time, over the course of 112 days, 35 Nuclear Detonations ranging in size of 3.5 Kilo Tons to 15.0 Kilo Tons with NO SAFETY procedures in place. The residents would wake up to a detonation, have the fallout rain down like snow, get sick in any number of ways and often die.
In 1985 the United States was ordered to pay $2.3 Billion in reparations and to clean up the mess that we left. Well, we scooped up soil (even some from a Nevada test site) contaminated metals and raw Plutonium into a crater made by a Nuclear detonation and capped it. Over the last 25 years this “Dome” that was put in place is beginning to break apart and “float with the tides” as well as being affected by rising sea levels, is continuing to leak radioactive material into the Pacific Ocean and contaminating the atoll’s lagoon. What has the U.S. done? Less than nothing! They say the place is “in the Marshall Islands and therefore is the Islands problems. Congress is refusing to pay the settlement that was ordered from a TRIBUNAL established from the 1985 Accord and is only paying out approximately $40 Million dollars to date. Congress says that is “enough” and in today’s market that is actually closer to $1 billion.
How about replacing the U.S. Congress with some new people that would honor the agreements made by previous Congressional Members, honor Treaties that were made and signed off by the United States and bring HONR back to our Country? I think this sounds good to me, How about YOU? Isn’t it time to bring Honor and Integrity back into the leadership of our Country? Aren’t any of YOU fed up enough with the lying and thievery that is going on DAILY by your Congress? It is TIME to throw those BUMS out and make them actually work for a living. Either that, or throw them in jail for VAGRANCY! Mitch, out


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just in case someone would consider helping the Marshall Island and the living beings nearby by applying modern physics:
the non-mainstream physicists know how to handle radioactivity
and shorten the radioactive half-life .

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