My Special Day - Thankful To Everyone Who Made It Meaningful!

in #birthday5 years ago

Just like the ordinary days I am having, it only turned out to be special because of your greetings. Darn FaceBook reminds your friends that it is your Birthday today.

Still thankful because if somebody is not worth greeting for, people will just won't give a damn even if it is your most special day. How hard can it be for this person if that's the case. I would like to thank my @Steemitpowerupph and WekuPH group of friends who have greeted me.

Family members, close friends, and former colleagues also done the same. This is the number one reason which turned out an ordinary day to be a special one and worth celebrating for.

I have nothing in my pocket to celebrate this occasion with grandeur or sponsor an out-of-town get-together but deep in my heart, I know I am happy and blessed because I reached this age without illness, still sane despite of the hard blows of life which considerably gonna make somebody disconnect to reality, learned the lessons in life the hard way and still managed all of it being alive.

My Birthday mostly intercepts the season of Lent. A time for a great realization and reflection about what we have done so far living our life with a purpose. I was able to realize that I am extremely gifted with the creativity, knowledge, enthusiasm, dependability and great character as a person to be recognized by a lot of people. Still being regarded despite the fact that I am not perfect and regretful for the mistakes I have done in the past.

People come and go. Even pets do. I am trying to get over this feeling of loneliness because I just lost a beloved pet who I considered to be a part of the family. The pain already subsides and the best moments will just be one of the good memories I will carry for the rest of my life. If somebody leaves, another one would come along.

I am claiming it today that this year will be the best year of my life. Thank you so much to everybody for being a part of my life's journey.

Special Thanks to @otom for the delegation. I will definitely put this in good use. Thanks to @ankarlie for the fast and reliable funds encashment as well as the gift :) @mers, @zephalexia @jurich60 @sarimanok Ate Regine, Nay Deevi @darstar133, @diosarich, Anne D, @lapilipinas - Jeric and a lot more!

Thanks to some steemians too that I also got in touch with on publish0x. It's nice to sail on both platforms which reward us from the efforts we show.

This lesson I learned a long time ago and still practices it.

Value each person around you. They are the most precious gifts A gift is given for FREE.

Thank you so much for dropping by my post and celebrating my special day with me. Have a blessed season of lent.

Proud admin of #SteemitPowerUpPH


I thought I've dropped a word earlier haha that was only an upvote, anyway thanks for the mention.
Wish you all the best in your lifetime.
Yeah you're right people come and go so let's get used to it, just get used to it! 😊
Happy Birthday!

Posted using Partiko Android

yes, I have seen the upvote first hahaha. I know naman you won't let it pass without dropping a comment. Thanks for dropping by. I'm so grateful to have all of you guys. :)

Happy bday! I saw your bday thingy in publish but they took the comments thing out soooo... here I am! hehehe Have a great bday!

Hey there! thanks for dropping by. Yes, publish0x has disabled the comments. I had a great birthday. As I have said, it was just an ordinary day but just been special because here you all are. ^^,

Naks! happy Birthday!!! (^_^)

happiest birthday my dear. all the best! ❤️

Your post has been recommended by @deantonio for my up-gage challenge

Aawwww your amazing up-gage challenge. ^^, Thanks bheb!

thank you too beb, and you'rr soo welcome 😘

Happy my dear friend and mentor!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks mommy Glo :)

A Blessed Happy Birthday sir!

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Thank you very much for this warm greetings! :)

"If you lose today, win tomorrow in this never ending spirit if challenge is found the heart of a victor."
-Daisaku Ikeda

Just be yourself @fycee no one is perfect.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for that advice mommy Judy. I will always be myself butreally tamed. Hehehe.

Belated happy birthday!

Posted using Partiko Android

Happy birthday!

Enjoy your day! its your day!

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