The Trucker's Knot 1.17.2020

in #life5 years ago


This is a trucker's knot. I was taught this knot over 40 years ago when I used to work for my friend's dad, he was a TV repair person.

So my friend and I would pick up or drop off TV's. I was loading a big console TV into the bed of a pickup. Well we had to tie it down and one of the customer's seen me struggle to tie down his console TV. I only knew the granny knot at the time. Well, I was just a teenager making 2 dollars an hour and still in high school. This was in the mid 70's.

Well, the guy said, I'm going to teach you how to tie the trucker's knot. So he would tie it, then tear it down and let me tie it. Well, after some many tries I got it down.

That was a really good life lesson, yes the trucker's knot can be a good life lesson. Can you imagine people tying things down, but with out a trucker's knot?

What if on the freeway, things that were not tied down properly would just fly off the rack or pickup? It could cause and accident or worse.

I remember a little later on I went with the YMCA bus to some far place and we had to tie down the luggage on top of the bus. Well the knot would always come loose.

I told one of the YMCA counselors that I can go up there and tie the trucker's knot and it will stay. She told me to go up there and tie it down.

Well, I did that and while we were on the road that YMCA counselor told me that part of the tarp is flapping, but that the rope and knot is holding well.

I made a mistake today. I loaded my lawnmower into the bed of my pickup and drove to my mom's house which is about 7 blocks away from where I live.

The thing was is that I forgot to tie down the lawnmower. Well it is a good thing that not too many people were on the streets that I had to go to. So the lawnmower did move and make a noise at a stop sign.

I just drove to my mom's really carefully and slowly after that. Good thing I didn't have to go on the freeway. Well, after mowing mom's lawns, front and back and having a nice meal at mom's I made sure to tie down the lawnmower into the bed of the pickup.

So at home, I even took a picture of it before I untied it. Then I thought maybe my next blog will be about a trucker's knot.

Let's end with some scripture, And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. 2 Corinthians 11:14-15.

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine, taken with my Moto G.

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