The Sun In The Sky And Some Random Thoughts

in #life6 years ago (edited)


Sometimes I just look up to the sky and take a picture. You may not notice, but I just took a picture of the sun. The sun, the greater light, so bright is that light.

So what shall I write about today? Maybe this blog will just be a general type of blog. You know I took this picture several days back. That was when I had some sunshine. This night as I write it has been mostly cloudy. We haven't had a freeze yet where I am.

I keep looking at the weather, cause before a freeze I have to harvest my sweet potatoes. I just grew them in a number 15 garden pot. It will be interesting to see if the sweet potatoes that I harvest will be big or small, maybe both.

I made a fire today, even though I was not suppose to have a fire. All these strict California air requirements are so hypocritical. So we cannot light a fire to heat the home, the same way we have been doing for thousands of years?

Yet, we can spray nano aluminum particulates on the people that the government has been doing for the last several decades? Aluminum in the body is neurotoxic. That is OK for jets to spray us with that, but having a fire in the fireplace is wrong?

Well, those who have been reading my blogs know how I hate the chemtrails that they spray on the people.

Let's talk a little about Bitcoin. I am thinking before it goes back up that it will have to go down even more. When I think about the institutions buying it up, you know that they are also selling it down.

Not financial advice it is just what I think may happen. That wouldn't be bad actually. Maybe I will buy a little somewhere between $2500 to $3000 range. Well, like I said, I think that will happen.

Since Steem follows Bitcoin somewhat, I think that Steem will start to go up too at that time. Right now it is pretty low, but it may get lower. When it does go up, I think it will really go up and pass the highs of last January. I think we will have to feel the pain before we feel the gain with Steem.

In the mean time I will write, yes I will always write, even if Steem goes lower. Well, what else am I going to do? I have been here since May of 2017. I will keep on writing and keep on saving every $0.001 of Steem that comes my way as Steem Power.

I'll be in it for the long run. Besides I am getting so used to writing that I think I better just keep on doing it, as it will be harder to write once I stop. Also, like I said in a previous blog that writing is good therapy for me.

If you been reading my blogs for awhile you know that I can be very frugal. So paying someone for therapy is something that I probably won't do, but I do know that writing can be very therapeutic.

So I write and even during sometimes when I think I don't know what to write about I still come up with something to write about.

I think if someone has a hard time coming up with something to write about maybe that someone can write out their thoughts. Well, that is what I always do.

I remember when I was a teenager, I was really shy. I couldn't hardly talk to the girls. Now that I look back at it all. I had a lot of things to talk about to those girls and I think a lot of them wanted to talk to me.

Well, that is the problem with being shy. If I could go back in time I could have just used one pickup line and I think I would have gone far. That would be, Hello, I'm David, how are you today?

Yep with that one line I would have been a little more popular than I was. Well, that was then. There is no time machine.

Of course if there was a time machine and I knew what I know now I would have saved every coin I came across in my lifetime that had any silver in it.

I was only 6 years old when they started to take out the silver from the coins. I wonder how many coins with silver I would have now if I did such a thing.

Then when I would first hear of the word Bitcoin I would put some money aside and buy as much as I can. Well, this is just a past time thought. I can't go back in time, but history does seem to repeat itself, somewhat that is.

Maybe I'll bring this blog to an end. I am playing Psalms and Proverbs on my other computer on a playlist as I am writing. Can you imagine playing Psalms and Proverbs 24 hours a day? I have been doing that for awhile now.

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine, taken with my Moto G.

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