Listening This Night

in #life5 years ago

I was just listening this night. I hear my neighbor clanking bottles into my containers on the side of my house. You see my neighbor likes to drink beer, but he doesn't want to deal with the beer bottles.

So for awhile now I have been taking his bottles and washing them out and storing them in old garbage cans. When I get a good amount of beer bottles I bring them to a recycling place and I get some money for that.

I may have to go to the recycling place soon as most of my extra garbage cans are full of those beer bottles.

I also hear the wind of my fan at my ear. I like fans as they use less electricity than an air conditioner. I do have an air conditioner, but I don't want to pay for the extra electricity that it will consume.

Well, cause the air conditioner has a compressor and it takes more electricity to turn the compressor than it is to turn the fan.

Sometimes if it gets too hot I will use a spray bottle with water and a little essential oil and spray my face then face the fan. That is a good way to cool off on a hot day or night.

Another thing I am hearing is an audio of the Bible. Right now it is playing Psalms. I usually just play the Bible in my house 24 hours a day. Yes, the Bible is always playing, well unless there is a glitch in my computer. That happens sometimes when the Bible is not playing.

I thought why not use technology to listen to the Bible more. It goes with a scripture, But his delight in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. Psalm 1:2.

There is another scripture I like that goes with it, I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies my meditation. Psalm 119:99.

It was Jesus that mentioned about looking into Psalms, as it is written, And he said unto them, These the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and the prophets, and the psalms, concerning me. Luke 24:44.

It was this scripture and others like it that made me want me to look into Psalms more and yes, Psalms does have Jesus's life in its writing. An example is if you look at Psalm 22 it is prophecy of Jesus on the cross. Every time I go through Psalm 22 I see Jesus on the cross.

Let's end with a scripture, Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. Psalm 19:2.

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Thank you, David.


You seem not to be upset about the bottles.
Here you pay 15 cent (or more) for a beer bottle. You get your money back if you take the bottles back to the shop.

No I'm not upset. You see they have to pay I think 5 cent per bottle. I just turn them into the recycler and they give me some of that money. The recycler keeps the rest for their profit. Lately when I do have a bunch of bottles to recycle I get about $15 to $20 for them. So it is pretty good pocket change. Thank you @wakeupkitty!

That is what I do with the cans here. I save them and we have pocket money?

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