Conversations With Desiree, My Massage Therapist - November 2019

in #life5 years ago


I went there early. Even Desiree said I went there early. Maybe it is better to get there early than getting there late. That reminds me of a time when Desiree called me as I was late.

Well, I was late cause I was on my way and really close, it is just that the road was being worked on and they were escorting so many vehicles at a time. I didn't answer my phone as it is illegal to talk on the phone while driving.

Well, I did get there, but yes I was late. So if I got there early I would not be late. I think in those days I would always make it in on the minute, but if there was an obstruction on the roads then I didn't allow for that extra delay.

So being there 10 to 15 minutes early will allow for an extra delay, if that would happen.

So today we first talked about how many kids she gave candy to. I guess there wasn't a lot of kids that came to the door. I mentioned that I went to my mom's, but we didn't put on the light, but would give out individually wrapped macroons if any kids would come to the door. So we didn't get out any at all, but mom liked the macroons.

I remember also talking about wills and living trusts. Wills will cost less and living trusts will cost more. I told Desiree that I didn't have a will. Well, not yet, anyway. Desiree told me that her and her husband doesn't have one either, for right now. Well, most people don't want to deal with with it as it involves death.

It is just when people get older they start to think of things like that. Desiree's mom was concerned about things like that. Of course it would be good to have a will so that there is direction when someone dies on what goes to who.

I told Desiree that I was an executor to a will and that it is hard work. Well, the one that I did was hard work. Since I don't have a will, I told my mom if something ever happens to me just move into my house right away. I told her to just make sure the taxes and insurance on the house is paid.

To my mom it is just too complicated and she told me that I will live for a long time. Well, God willing, maybe that will be so.

Then we talked about our vehicle problems. She told me of motor mounts before, but there was an additional problem of the air conditioner compressor seizing. Well, instead of buying a new compressor they just wouldn't use the air conditioner for now.

Well, that is good as it is getting colder now. Then they can worry about the air conditioner later on in the springtime.

My own 89 Nissan Sentra has a heater that won't work. Well, I can fix it, but since it is not my only car, I will just leave it as it is right now. If I need to drive a car with a heater then I would use my 93 Honda Accord. The heater on my Honda works really well. This way I can save money, by not fixing it.

I told Desiree of my 89 Nissan Sentra that I noticed that the speedometer was not working and that at the same time I noticed it that the check engine light went on. Well one, thing about the check engine light being on is that one cannot pass smog if that light is on at the time of the smog check test.

Well, it is good for me that I just did my smog check on it around last August. So I will not have to do a smog test again until around August of 2021. So I have a lot of time to fix it.

I am hoping since the check engine light came on at the same time I noticed the speedometer being out is that the check engine light came on only because of the speedometer being out. Well, they will just have to check the codes on the check engine light before they try to fix the speedometer to see if it just the speedometer or more things wrong.

Well, I will worry about the speedometer in my 89 Nissan Sentra for a later date as I don't really have to fix it right now. I mean it still runs, I just need to drive slower then most as I don't want to get a speeding ticket. Well, I don't like going too fast in the 89 Nissan Sentra anyway.

Then we started to talk about guitars. In my later teenage years I had an electric guitar and bass and my brother had an electric guitar also. We used these more than 40 years ago.

Well, anyway my brother owed me money so he gave me his electric guitar and amp. It is just that both of us after our teenage and early 20's got more into the acoustic guitars.

So I just kept my electric guitars stored up all this time. Then I thought about getting more money to help out mom with. Well, I didn't know that these guitars and bass have gone up in value as the decades went on.

Desiree told me of a music store in her town that would help in the sell of the guitar. Maybe I can look into it. I know of certain guitar stores that you can bring in your guitar and they would offer what they would pay. Well, I will keep all my options open.

Then the massage was over. We may have talked of other things, but it is hard to remember all that we talked about. It was a relaxing massage and before I left I told Desiree that I will send her a link to this blog.

Let's end with a scripture, But if any widow have children or nephews, let them learn first to shew piety at home, and to requite their parents: for that is good and acceptable before God. 1 Timothy 5:4.

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine, taken with my Moto G.


I hope Desiree reads this after you send a link of this blog to her. Thanks for sharing part of you and what happened in your day.

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