Silver Is Finally Ready For Take Off 💥


How’s many times have you heard that Silver and Gold is ready to take off ? Being both a gold and silver bug I can tell you I have heard it too many times, just to have my hopes crushed when billions of fake paper contracts are dumped on the market suppressing the price. So why is it different this time around ? It’s different for one very important reason and I will tell you in this post.

But before we get there we should discuss some fundamentals. Silver and gold are the most undervalued commodity on the market. It has been considered money for thousands of years, but since 1971 America took the dollar off the gold standard and created a world based on paper money, called the fiat system, where money is created through debt, the dollars has lost more than 82 percent of its purchasing power.


Since 1971 silver and gold have been purposely suppressed so not to compete with the dollar as the main reflection of value. The Comex market was created where gold and silver have been traded based on fake paper derivatives, and where bankers have been manipulating the price to a degree where its barely possible to be profitable mining the precious metals.

So why is this time different. Why is silver and gold suddenly going to make a move ? It’s for one simple reason. We have to ask ourselves why has the price been suppressed? Sure it’s to keep it from being to competitive a store of value, but if we look at one of the biggest players in the silver market J.P Morgan we find out a more important reason. During the last 10 years when they have been suppressing the silver price they have been buying insane amount of physical silver at a crazy price. So why would they hoard so much silver ? To wait for the perfect moment and just let the price run.

This moment seems to be now. For the first time since most can remember J.P Morgan has stopped their market shorts. J.P Morgan has never lost any money trading silver since they are the ones controlling the price. If they stopped shorting the market it most surely should mean that it is going to head upwards! I’m excited as hell and I think that we are at the start of a new bull run, one like we have never seen before !

The information provided is not financial advice and this material is for informational purposes only.


Silver will do better than bitcoin

Posted using Partiko iOS

It definitely is a good possibility!

Gold and silver always have a huge valu in the market.

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