@steemgg collaborate with @utopian-io, @blocktrades to support Steem Monster Game Jam | @steemgg 组团去支持 Steem Monster 游戏开发竞赛

in #steemgg6 years ago (edited)



It's a fantastic time for @steemgg to cooperate with @utopian-io, @blocktrades to support Steem Monster Game Jam.

STEEM MONSTERS $1,000 Game Jam Invitational!!! In collaboration with @utopian-io, @steemgg, and @blocktrades!

Long long ago, when I worked at a game company and I was so luck to join the Game Jam which was hosted by the company, it's the 1st time I was involved in such an exciting activity.

In such Game Jam, you could join any team, with different colleagues whom you have less chance to work with at usual working days. The team should brainstorm to make a non-limitation gadget in a very limited timeframe, it's very challenging. The usual time limit is 24 hours or 48 hours, in this limited timeframes, you have to randomly pick up team members, brainstorm ideas, produce arts, coding and debugging, testing and QA, then final output - the game. It's an interesting journey to experience such a complete process of gaming development. In normal case, you have to keep working for the whole 24 hours or 48 hours without sleeping, so please prepare coffee/green tea/cigarettes for battling, and pillar/foldable bed just in case you need take a nap.

The Game Jam for Steem Monster is not the 'extreme' developing mode which I mentioned above. It's a 'gentle' one. They give you a theme and you can prepare for it before it's real starting, and it will last for a week before your submitting your game. So you have enough time to find proper parters around the world. If you are a code geek, so you could try to find other team members like artist or game designer; if you are a game designer, you may find other programmer to help you implement great ideas; and, if you can design game, coding, and draw pixel arts, congratulations, you can save much communication time and just make it happen by yourself.

The Steem Monster Game Jam will be supported by @utopian-io, so if your game is open source and submitted to the tag of utopian-io, you have chance to gain upvote. Besides, if your game is published in HTML5 format and submitted to https://steemgg.com, there are extra SBD rewards waiting for you.

I would like to join this Game Jam and make a game, but it's not easy for a husband/daddy/son to escape the family affairs for ONE week...

Any way, welcome to join.


很荣幸 @steemgg 可以和 @utopian-io, @blocktrades一起合作支持 Steem Monster Game Jam 活动。

STEEM MONSTERS $1,000 Game Jam Invitational!!! In collaboration with @utopian-io, @steemgg, and @blocktrades!

话说很久很久以前,当我还在游戏公司的时候,第一次体验 Game Jam 这种极限开发游戏的活动,还是蛮特别的经历。


这次和 Steem Monster的合作,并不是我上面所描述的极限游戏开发模式,而是给定一个主题,让游戏开发者在一周的时间内,从世界各地自愿的寻找自己的队友来进行游戏制作。如果你是一个代码大牛,那么你就可以考虑寻找美术或者策划来组队开发;如果你是一个游戏设计师,那么你就可以考虑寻找程序员作为担当;当然,如果你又能设计游戏,又能写代码,还能自己画美术,那么恭喜你,可以节省不少的沟通交流时间,一个人的队伍也是杠杠的。

这次游戏开发大赛由于有 @utopian-io 的支持,所以如果你的游戏是开源发布,那么会得到 utopian-io 的点赞支持。并且,如果最终的发布形式有 HTML5 格式,欢迎提交到https://steemgg.com,官方会提供额外500SBD的奖金池。同时,@blocktrades 也会通过某种形式对于获奖的游戏进行奖励。




恭喜你!您的这篇文章入选 @justyy 今日 (2018-08-15) 榜单 【优秀的文章】, 回复本条评论24小时内领赏,点赞本评论将支持 @dailychina 并增加将来您的奖赏。

Congratulations! This post has been selected by @justyy as today's (2018-08-15) 【Good Posts】, Steem On! Reply to this message in 24 hours to get rewards. Upvote this comment to support the @dailychina and increase your future rewards! ^_^


PS: 话说,那个Steem moster有错别字~

thanks, fixed.

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