A Mere Thought 1 - About Negative Thoughts.

in #amerethought6 years ago (edited)


Can you fly? Do you believe you can fly? If yes, with all of your heart you believe you can fly, soar among the clouds, so high until the great wall of China is barely a line. What if I tell you no? That you're just as mortal as all of us? Can't left both your feet above the ground at the same time for more than a second and if you try to bend them to remain above the ground longer you will hurt yourself. We're just bound to the ground thanks to a law by created by Newton when an apple fell on his head.

"No" is a negative thought, it stops you from being the closest you can be to the thing that makes you the happiest. But if no one tells you "No, you can't fly" you're bound to jump from the top of a building, maybe to your death, or maybe to the hardest punch of reality that you'd ever witness. If the parent isn't around, a child would burn his hand trying to hold fire.But all of that is the soft side of the needed hint of what is real. You can't fault a man that tells a little girl she can't fly because you know the result is too painful. What about bullies, though? Do we need to be constantly called "fat", "ugly", or simply "losers"?

A human's life is chained with failures and pain. The scale differs from one another regarding how much of it they can control. Think of that one time you were a child and had to say goodbye to your pet. Would it be fair to be reminded of that, the pet died of old age. Nothing you can do about it. Maybe think of that time you were and maybe still are below or above the average weight. Is it fair to be reminded of that every second of your day. Whether through cruel words, or those stares that type a novel of harsh names through your brain. How do you escape that?

The sad fact is that is more inescapable than we hope it could be. If we are to be reminded of our failures, it would never happen at the right amount. There's no correct dosage. Yes, a million people is too many, but is zero the right amount? Is our reminder good enough to the judge? It can be too much self-hatred, or too much justifying. How do we recognize the right amount of guilt, pain, and responsibility we should be feeling if it is solely depending on our perspective? How do you recognize if the feelings you're receiving from others is too much or too little if you don't compare it to your own? How do you identify the unjust if the just doesn't exist?

Another question to add to the long list: how do we recognize enabling of destruction if the disabling of potential doesn't exist? Think of the supportive friends you had at school. How would you have recognized their support if the school bully didn't exist? Not to say that bullies are necessary, but it's layers of complications. But if they didn't exist how do get the courage to face them? How do you define your ability to get over an obstacle if you never come across one? A human life will always consist of competition. A competition against ourselves, others, and one we set where others compete. It's how we define we're good goalies through training, then by facing good strikers. Finally we other bring in the good players or join a whole new better team. It's the thriving that leads us to a better place mentally. But how can we thrive without something to thrive against?

If we were to ban every negative word in the dictionary, stop them from existing online and in real life, would that make the world better? The constant search to ban the words "fat", "ugly", "faggot", or whatever worst idea or adjective existing it's worst form is a noble cause seemingly. But how are we to recognize bad thoughts without the words to describe them? Think about it, how do you define that being fat is bad for your health without being able to use the term to describe it? Is saying "overweight" actually better than saying "fat"? After all the word fat didn't have as much negative meaning is did now. Just like all the words society seems to try to ban these days. But let's say the word "fat" is bad and needs to be banned. Considering the pattern isn't it just a matter of time before "overweight" is used the same way "fat" is. I personally saw it couple of times where "overweight" hurt a person, and the exact term didn't matter. Should we ban meanings altogether? Should we ban thoughts? Looks? Even if we come across achieving that impossible task so far so vice and virtue no longer differ from one another, would that achieve a good result?

In Summary

We can’t shut off bad thoughts. Not producing them, not receiving them. The only thing we can hope for is the right balance of both thoughts. The judgement we give ourselves, the judgement we get, and the judgement we give to others.But it's a trifecta that makes a human life sad and in turn happy. All of it is temporary, you will feel the hardness of working for hours continuously, but then a night at home with your family, friends or alone watching T.V would be better. You'll be lonely for a while but that's what makes meeting someone all the better. Stop working and how many hours of watching Netflix having a marathon of your favorite shows and movies can you take of doing what you'd be thinking about while working you will be able to handle before you feel emptiness?

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I don't have answers for the questions you rhetorically proposed, but can say that's one hell of a clever tag.

This certainly gets one thinking.

Hopefully you liked it.

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