Too Many Layers

in #councils6 years ago

Income Free

True investigative reporting or Righteousness leads to bankruptcy of your time and money.

Corruption is profitable.
Legalised corruption is more so!

If you fight against corruption and wrong doing.
The virtue road leads a form of ruin to those who fight for truth.

The forces you are up against have a profit motive to protect.
Very rarely do those who are in corrupt power admit their guilt and change their ways.
The more money at stake, the more it is in their interest to protect it and the more they have spent to protect the layers around them.

Greater than Thou Argument

I have dealt with low level corrupt people.
Organizations have exploitative policies, it is the nature of our pseudo capitalist mechanism.

I say pseudo as we have layers of oversight by industry, labour and governmental oversight.
These mechanisms are in place with a fundamentally good premise, but, has been undermined by creating their own layers of power hierachy.

The reason

My brain was reflecting on a time a few years ago that the local council was selling off green belts of land.

Our local council was in debt and was being investigated for corruption.

At the same time, they had concluded that our council had more "green belt" areas on average than other councils.

They had then decided to sell off parcels of council land. Our land.

There was concern that it was being sold off to "friendly" developers.

Also, there was an article interviewing the person responsilbe for managing the 900 playgrounds. We're talking big numbers.

Fast forward to today, and we have a massive amount of funding to develop parks in the area.
Our area is growing as the property prices are below average, allowing for population and government rate revenue to increase.

Rate revenue increases due to the tax, called Rates, being based upon house values, and not services provided.

House prices are increasing = more budget to spend on "beautifying" the area.

My Concern

The equations don't add up.
The council has an abundance of revenue & yet they want to spend money.
Any money spent on infrastructure just adds more need for maintenance in the future.

At first glance the revenue is a tremendous amount of money.

However, the assets and liabilities don't seem to reflect this abundance.
My attitude is to remove any debt and to kive within our means.



I don't trust layers of government to handle bundles of money effectively.


But to champion a cause is almost a full time job.
I need to attend meetings, create my own agenda and to play politics.
I followed a councilor around when I was younger and it was a daily grind. He had to meet with many different groups, many different issues and try to balance multiple opinions.

Parks, open spaces and street scapes takes up alot of the infrastructure spending.


It would be more productive and profitable to find a way to tap into the cash bonanza that is being proffered.
It would lead to me manipulating the system to my own ends.
Trying to remove the debt helps nobody.
Trying to reduce the taxes.
Letting corporations sponsor development and let market forces take care of the infrastructure.

Corruption and sacked Brimbank Council

Millions being spent


If it's anything like our councils, then the "beautification" money was probably a grant from the federal government. In order to get the money they need to put in a bid for certain things and then they need to prove that this is exactly what they've done with that grant once they get it. The federal government will probably also dictate what area this grant money is for, so even if "beautification", for example, isn't needed, they would still have to apply in that capacity. They aren't about to turn money down just because they don't need it for that particular thing! ;)

Government is evil and corrupt.
It will always abuse power at every level.
Make Anarchy Great Again.

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