Border Agents Seize $41,000 From Texas Nurse Who Had Plans To Open Medical Clinic In Nigeria

The civil asset forfeiture abuse continues...

A 59-year-old nurse, Anthonia Nwaorie, from Texas is suing the Customs and Border Protection after she had $41,000 in cash taken from her, on suspicion that the cash was related to criminal activity.

Last year, Nwaorie was boarding a plane in Houston that was headed for Nigeria. She brought with her the funds to allegedly open a medical clinic, along with medical equipment and supplies. The agents allegedly detained her for hours and that caused her to miss her flight. After that, they seized all of her funds.

She was never charged with a crime...

Now, she's working with lawyers with the Institute for Justice to fight to get her money back. And she isn't the only person who has had this happen to her, many Americans have had their money taken thanks to civil asset forfeiture legislation. Many of the people who fall victim to this are unable to weather the costs and it can easily destroy their standard of living or reputation as a result, among other things.

For now, until she gets her funds, the plans to build that medical clinic are on hold. Nwaorie admits that she has already paid taxes on all of the funds and she isn't amused that she is being treated like a criminal over money that she says she worked very hard to earn and she has the right to do with as she pleases. Whether someone is traveling with 1 dollar in their pocket or 5,000 dollars in their pocket, that act of holding the cash alone doesn't violate any property rights, and simply having their own funds on them shouldn't render them a criminal.

This is why the Institute for Justice fights as hard as it does, for people like Nwaorie who have been targeted in this way. And for many of those who do manage to fight back and challenge the wrongdoing, they've eventually had their property returned. But most people who fall victim to this behavior can't afford that fight and they have to suffer the loss.

When most people hear about someone having that sort of cash on them taken, their first response is that it is suspicious to have that much cash. But there are many different reasons why someone might be traveling with that much cash and they shouldn't have to justify themselves to anyone else, that cash is theirs.

Should people have their natural rights violated and property confiscated on mere suspicion that there is wrongdoing? Should your mother, son, brother, or sister, be detained and have their life savings taken, their car taken, their house taken, or some other belonging of theirs, because someone with authority has a hunch, a feeling that they've done something wrong?

“The courts have long established that you have the legal right to travel with any amount of cash, even when you’re traveling internationally,” says Nwaorie's attorney for IJ, Dan Alban

"No American should lose their property without being convicted of a crime, particularly over the technical violation of a law that few people know about" says Alban.

CBP allegedly claimed that she failed to declare having over $10k on her and that this was why she was detained. A class-action lawsuit has already been filed over this matter on behalf of Nwaorie. They are looking to challenge the right of the government to try and force someone to sign away their right to sue before their money has been returned. It's a tactic that has been exercised numerous times around the country, where people feel threatened, scared, and pressured, on the side of the road for example, to sign a waiver which forfeits their rights.

In Nwaorie's case, the government allegedly failed to pursue civil forfeiture of her property but they did send her a letter that demanded she sign over her rights which includes her right to sue the CBP over any actions that are related to the seizure of her property. Nwaorie has already insisted that she will not be signing over those rights.

Most people who are targeted under civil asset forfeiture will never see their property again...

And if no one ever takes the time to fight the matter, then the government will be able to retain that property that they have taken indefinitely; despite never charging anyone with a crime in relation to confiscating that property.

Many of those who have fallen victim to this practice have admitted that it's a nightmare that they wouldn't wish upon anyone.



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Cryptocurrencies arrived on the scene at just the right time! The more of these cases come to light, the more people will turn to crypto. Nobody trusts the gov. anymore.

That is such a shame. And then our government states we are FREE. Well, we have a long way to go. I so hope and pray this lady has the motivation, dedication and support that will help her to regain her property. What happens to all this forfeiture (stolen) property? I believe crypto will tremendously help eliminate this tragedy. We , the people, need to take this country back.

Very nice...NOT!!!...

Again, people are being shtupid.

Haven't you all seen the writing on the wall?
Haven't you all seen the capital flight laws being put in place?

Having cash is as normal as can be,
unless you are middle class and have all on your bank cards.
A third of americans are un-banked. Meaning, they only have cash.

The laws are in place to protect against capital flight.
The laws are in place as a cash grab.

It has nothing to do with "drug money".
If we were actually looking for that, then we would have to go to Citi and Chase. To launder that much money, you can only use the biggest banks.

So, to all people out there.
You do not live in a free nation, where you can hold large amounts of money.
Trying to move your money is dangerous, and in most cases, illegal.

Interesting that you mention a third of Americans are un-banked. That's encouraging. I didn't know it was that high. People who are un-banked are unlikely to have large debts, which is a good thing. Dealing in cash, person to person, is also a good thing.

I hate corruption

This has happened to so many people and it is inexcusable. Government agencies overstepping their authority without checks.
Crazy reality most people don't want to look at and deal with.

i am glad there is an institute of justice at least. why are we treated like criminals if our justice system is "based on" innocent until proven guilty? ... i wish her the best with her beautiful dream once they get out of her way!!

thanks for news.......

its really bad.......i don't like corruption, my country many people real king for corruption...its really bad for us.

This type of news gives me a lot of indignation and sadness to see that whenever they want public agencies do what they want, the most affected is the user corruption is everywhere

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