Global coronavirus update.

in #coronavirus4 years ago

Italian new cases down again today. About 14%. New deaths down about 8%. Lagging indicator.
Spain new cases up up about 25% and new deaths about 10%. Rest of Europe, so far looking a bit better in spots.
France new cases down a bunch. About 60%. Deaths up 50% (from a low number). 88% of new cases mild. 3X as many recovered as died.
Germany new cases up 50% and new deaths up 50% from a very low number. 100% of new cases declared mild.
Switzerland new cases up 100% but 98% of them mild.
Netherlands new cases flat and 90% mild.

I think the implication here is that most of the really sick have already shown up. As testing goes on they find a higher number of mild cases. What data I can find on negative results strongly suggest that over 90% of tests in "modern countries" (outside of Italy and Spain) are negative. It may be that both got hit so hard they aren't testing many other than the symptomatic.

UK new cases are up about 40% but 100% of those a listed as mild. Deaths up 30%, lagging.

Taken as a whole I continue to think Western Europe is at or just through the worst, and increased testing is finding new but almost all mild cases.

It's hard to tell about Eastern Europe because they aren't reporting many cases, unless you include Austria in that group. Austria is still ticking up new (all mild) cases and has a very low death rate.

Overall, it looks like Italy has to handle the coming remains of a disaster, Spain is in somewhat less trouble, and most of Europe is in relatively good shape.

As for the US, new cases probably still rising, but wildly concentrated in NYC and its neighbours. Over 60% of new cases are there. But . . . 97% of new cases in US are mild, and and of the 3% S/C it looks like only 10% of those are critical. That's all decent news.

Even large population states are still not seeing NYC type increases at all. Of the 10 most populous states, PA, OH, NC, and MI still aren't in the top 10 of number of cases. And they are all testing a lot.
NY has 20,000+ cases, NJ has 2000+, WA has 1800. and 5 other states have 1000+. Most states are now testing 5000+ per day except the very low pop states. Granted there is a 2=7 day reporting lag, there just don't seem to be that many cases showing up, and we are testing the most symptomatic (generally) first.

Florida, for gosh sakes, so far has just over 1100 cases and right now is reporting about half the new cases they did yesterday. I expect that to increase, but still . . .

Look.It can still get worse, but these numbers should not be causing a lot of fear and panic. Let's stay calm, serious, and non-hysterical, okay?

A deeper examination will come later, after most of the new reports are in.

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