I am fucking angry!!


Dear friends

one month ago i got in Whatsapp this picture and i was laughting because someone told me it was the real situation in China.

Someone else got the same picture?

I put this pic on my post because i am fucking angry with the numbers we got right now about this virus!

In China from november they got 81.000 infected with 3.200 people die, with a percentage less of 4% but in Italy in one month there are 28.000 infected and 2.160 people die, with a percentage of almost 8%.

So where is the truth, chinese are stronger than italians or what else?????

I do not think this picture can be true, but i need to have some more right information between the numbers?

Someone can give me some more information?


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Reports say that China has been quite forceful in shutting down communities. Various images I saw of China showed that there were no people in the streets or stores.

Personally, I don't think I would trust data from China.

If they was honest and say 30000 deads and not 3000 it was different the reaction of other countries!!!

China says that there was no systemic oppression of the Tibetans. There was no mass incarceration of Uighurs nor has there been any suppression of Christian churches.
Yep, China is a true Socialist Utopia.
We can trust the numbers reported by the Peoples Government because the Peoples Government is for the peoples.
PS: I was really surprised that China gave out any information.

China was too slow to start taking action. They were more interested threatening the doctor who discovered the new disease spreading. But when they did start taking action they were extremely strict with shutting down entire regions and using surveillance to monitor people etc. They were able to quarantine things well.

Compared to China most of the infected in Italy are old people. Old people are more likely to die if the get COVID-19

I think that part of this huge difference between the numbers of China and Italy can be explained as follows:

  • the Chinese government possibly omitted the truth about the number of deaths there;

  • the number of elderly people in Italy is higher, and their mortality is higher

Dear @discernente, the second point Is very true, because in Italy they make the check After suspicios died of sick persons, expecially old One, all the others di not care, not only chineses....

Posted using Partiko Android

I agree this image is not true, people are normally walking in the middle of died bodies and no one ambulance.
Anyway I agree too that numbers are not true, is not possible so big difference....

hi @intellihandling

In China from november they got 81.000 infected with 3.200 people die, with a percentage less of 4% but in Italy in one month there are 28.000 infected and 2.160 people die, with a percentage of almost 8%.

Numbers in china are bullshit and it's a bit silly to believe in those numbers. At the same time Italy is very transparent, so all data coming from your country is more reliable and real. Simple as that.

Look at china now. All of suddent "problem dissapeared". Almost zero new infections, no new cases. They are probably very happy that attention is not focusisng on them any more. You need to assume that those numbers are nothing but lie.

Comparing the numbers from the different countries doesn't necessarily tell us much. We don't know how true the numbers are, they may be lying. Some countries have little access to testing. For example, I am sure in Iran the numbers for infected and the fatalities are both higher.

Sudan for example. 1 case and 1 death. 1005 mortality. They are not testing at all so what is the true number.

We will only know the truth in the months to come and we look in the rearview mirror. Even then, we may never know it all.

Hi @intellihandling
Wow. Friend, I can tell you very properly that you will never have that information.
Always governments that are left or right or center. they never tell the truths of what may be happening. I think about the situation in my country and every time the government gives a figure I multiply it by 100% and I know my calculation will be short.

Jasmas trusted the official figures.

China isn't giving out correct numbers, and also China is enforcing the quarantine more than Italy. They are aggressively quarantining people.

Posted using Partiko Android

i think china is trying to make the world believe that they have been able to successfully reduce the negative impact of the coronavirus,yeah they are doing their best but they are not been truthful about the exact situation in the country and also they are not truthful with the figures of those who have been infected with the coronavirus @intellihandling

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