Have Game Companies and Studios Today Lost Their Core Ethics?

in #corevalue6 years ago

There has been a little buzz inside my head lately about games as well as the studios and companies that make and publish the games today along with micro transactions, and what I would like to talk about specifically is: Have game companies and studios today lost their core ethics? (I.e. sacrificing core integrity for loot boxes and other moneymaking type scandals for already paid content, rather than making a good quality title).

As everyone in the gaming world should already be aware, games today are starting to have micro transactions such as loot boxes, cosmetic extras, as well as purchasing in game materials to speed up progression. Recently I watched a video, granted it is a little old, and what it was about was how a game studio known as Digital Extremes (DE) had temporarily shutdown their micro transactions for a game called Warframe because of someone spending a very large amount of money for special in game currency called platinum that is a constant re-purchasable or can even be traded amongst players themselves for cosmetics and other items in game. Now, Warframe is and always has been a free to play title from start to finish and is constantly growing, but I find it interesting that DE took notice of one person spending an enormous amount of money on platinum and took action by temporarily disabling their micro transactions because they didn’t intend for people to constantly purchase micro transactions just so that players would continue to play their game. Though they were appreciative someone was willing to do so, they took it upon themselves and went out of their way to try and let the person know that they wanted the person to enjoy the game rather than constantly spend money for platinum that they really didn’t have to get.

Now if you were to compare this and see what would happen for another game for instance like the latest Call of Duty titles such as CoD: Black ops 3, Advanced Warfare, Infinite Warfare, and even Call of Duty WW2 they all have micro transactions centered around loot boxes. Loot boxes are containers that have randomly generated loot from special weapon skins to outfits to emote animations, as well as calling cards and emblem pieces. Now, these are acquirable just from playing the game and taking the long grind to get them, but then you are also able to purchase loot boxes with real money. The problem is some of the previously mentioned titles have dlc that include new and or special weapons which are put in loot boxes, which should not be because you should already have the dlc weapons being as you purchased the dlc, and you are not really guaranteed to get what you are looking for specifically in the loot crates, which can be considered online gambling. Because of this many people who have things to do and don’t have much time to play games as often as others, will occasionally buy these loot box’s, but then there are those who spend dollar after dollar for loot boxes just so they can get the items they want along with You Tuber’s who have gaming channels, like the one I am currently in the process of making, who spend hundreds of dollars on these loot boxes for loot opening videos on their channels. And here you have a paid game with extra micro transactions, and the studios, companies and developers notice how much money is being put into their game yet they take no action to try and get people to just enjoy the game.

I don’t have a problem if people want to spend their money as they see fit because that is their choice, but I do have a problem with how lately these studios and companies focus more on making profit from gamers rather than trying to make a great game. Yes making money is important but what’s more important is making a game that just about everyone can enjoy without people having to throw extra money at the screen just to get something that can be earned with enough dedication. Lately with the way games are, they are losing their core value, and studios as well as companies are trying to replace the empty holes with the extra little things or taking already made content and putting it behind a pay wall that shouldn’t really exist. Quite frankly I remember when playing a game you had to earn every weapon, and piece of equipment by playing the game and working to get it which makes it all the more sweeter to have it. But now with the micro transactions, to be able to just either buy your way through a game, or buying items and weapons with real money, in my humble opinion, takes away from actually playing and enjoying the game. I should also mention how Metal Gear Survive, a ghost of a shell, is a prime example of it but sadly that would have to be for another time if anyone is interested in hearing about it. Quantity over quality gets you nowhere in the end with a forgotten game. What are your opinions on micro transactions, and would you agree games today are losing their core value of earning your way through and enjoying it? I would like to hear your thoughts on this.

Respectfully - Logan


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That's funny lol

While I think some of them did, I also think that some just put the micro-transactions out there because they don't have many options left. (If companies didn't try to maximize profit with their still popular games, they might get bankrupt after few failed games.)

But I think there could be other ways to make players pay more without having to make the whole experience worse... Sadly I they will probably get the same hate they get with day 1 DLCs.

As if the games are enjoyable or not? I think the more games you play in the past makes the games that come out now seem less enjoyable somehow to you... So maybe we just have played too much games?

I agree though, that companies now spend thousands of dollars on unnecessary content just to make the game longer & justify their game price tag. Ouch!!

I hope companies find more ethical ways to do so, because I think the future of gaming isn't that bright now~

I do agree with the fact that in order to keep a company going they should maximize profits in some fashion but it does get steep in the loot box and game development department because of certain steps taken that rub people the wrong way, especially for companies that aren't having any trouble, like Konami for instance who created Metal Gear Survive and locked most of the essential game convenience features such as game saves behind a paywall.

I will admit I have played a lot of games, and do mainly enjoy the old ones but there are still new games that catch my eye, but when I see certain turns made in the new games like locking dlc weapons in loot boxes when you should already have them for owning the dlc in the first place is a very redundant way to force players to pay for loot boxes just to get something they should already own.

And I must agree with the video you shared, but if better steps were taken with micro transactions like with Digital Extremes goes with it, people shouldn't have to pay so much for so little it's really there if we want to, but like I said before when they take steps to force you that's where the line is drawn.

Personally I along with a few others would be more than willing to pay around a hundred dollars for a good quality game like we have had in the past with the tech now even if it had micro transactions. And thank you by the way for the video you shared it was enlightening. I will say though it's hard to enjoy some these days especially coming from a family of gaming pioneers lol. And it's sad though they quit when this started happening, but they still play specific ones if they are in the mood, but they are mainly disappointed with how the games that come out don't live up to expectations at times. Again thank you for the feedback 😊.

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