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RE: Day 14 Winner Announcement - Ongoing Stories

in #contest6 years ago

Pinches woke up. Again. Only this time she didn’t have to yawn. Instead, she wondered why she felt like she had woken up more often in the last days than she had fallen asleep. Weird.

The last thing she could remember before this sleeping episodes had started was that she had met this dubious CEO of a cloning company in the Club 100. Maybe she should go there one more time to ask the bartender if he knew what had happened.

Pinches decided to walk instead of taking the car. For some reason she felt like she had spent way too much time in a car the last days. Weird again. Pinches’ phone croaked and she had a brief look at the screen. Great, now Thurman was even sending photos. She opened the message and regretted it immediately. Two tap dancing Chihuahuas. As if one wasn’t one too many already. Pinches stopped walking for a moment and turned the screen. There must be a mirror somewhere, she did remember Thurman once saying that he didn’t have room for a second Chihuahua in his apartment. She turned the screen again, held it closer. She couldn’t spot any mirror, that was really weird. Anyway, she thought, she would see what this was all about when she got back to the office. Just when she put her phone back into her pocket, she saw from the corner of her eye a familiar looking car passing by on the street. And the people in the car looked even more familiar, especially that woman on the back seat. Pinches froze and stared at the back of the car until it had turned right, taking the road that would lead to that FreewriteHouse and to the FreewriteHouse only - there was pretty much nothing else down that road, apart from Mr. Thompsons cactus collection that he had started after his boyfriend had taken off with the local rain dancer.

Pinches looked up into the sky. Blue and sunny as usual.

(Note: Pinches will briefly be back during the next days - when she has finally arrived at her office or the club or gets lost in the middle of cacti. Who knows.)

Huge congratulations, @wonderwop!!


So much fun!!! We love Pinches!! And two tap dancing Chihuahuas is really more than the world can handle!!! :)

Thank you for making the Winner Announcements so special!!

Thank you for the great contests and for loving Pinches!! And watch out, maybe there will be even more stuff that's hard to handle tomorrow! ;))

We can't wait!!! 😌

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