in #contest7 years ago

Day 36 of the Daily Steemit Selfie Challenge begins now!

Our registered players are competing against each other in an elimination endurance contest where their selfies must be posted on a daily basis and must meet the theme qualifications.

Not only must they post their qualifying selfies prior to the deadline to avoid elimination, they are also competing against one another for bonus points.

It is now that we will try to raise the bar a little more, and a few of you may soon be eliminated. Be warned.


Each day, I will be rewarding one player each day with a "quick draw" bonus point for being the first to reply with a qualifying selfie. Yesterday, the winner was...




Each day I will notify you of your current Bonus Point Leader. Remember, whoever gets the most by the end of the contest will win 1 Limited Edition STEEM "COMMUNITY" 1 oz Silver Round! Here is your current leader:

@bluelightbandit with 38 total Bonus Points















The secret Bonus Bonus Point thing for the last round was dangling someone upside-down!




Since I couldn't see @bien, the photo did not qualify.


Are you really your own worst enemy?

Here's what I'll need from you to qualify. Make it look like you are threatening yourself in a reflection with a weapon.

Don't actually hurt yourself!

Please remember as well, that the goal is to have all players take a new, qualifying selfie each day to enter into this contest.

Reply to this post with your qualifying selfie by 7:15 pm (CST) tomorrow to avoid elimination. As always, no entry post is required, but you are free to make a post featuring your entry if you want to. By entering this contest you are giving me full permission to use your entries in future posts. Thanks and have fun!

NOTICE : The next round will be shorter.

PLEASE REMEMBER - If you enter more than one photo, you will not be allowed to be valid for receiving bonus points. Make it count!


The current prize pool is 515 SBD, not including Bonus Points. It will continue to grow on a daily basis! That means that the longer you hang in there, the larger it gets!

Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with

GIF provided by @malos10



Did i win?! I have ME in the pic twice?!

Yes, you are a BIG WINNER.... again.. sigh...


I've never won the Quickdraw. And my bonus points are weeeeeak. 😏

Oh, you talkin' 'bout e'rythang else?
Yup. I AM a winner. 😎

Just joking around, but you are a big winner.

Oh, I know. Damned text lost in translation. 😁

Oh, you talkin' 'bout e'rythang else?


That line made me laugh too! I'm so funny! 🤣

Nice crazy look... very realistic... LOL!

well done on the quick draw

WINNER - Please use this as an example. I need to see both of you, the reflection and yourself. I should have made it clearer in my "qualifications" above.

I would say yes

Well done, chick!!😁👍🏼

Congratulations girlfriend! You look nice today BTW, even with the sadistic look and butchers knife in your hand...

Why thank ya.😘 I think that picture is hilariously awful. It was the first and only one I snapped. It takes forEVER to upload in my neck of the woods. Had everyone not messed up, I'd have been like 3.

I could switch it for a better one... And just may 😎

Definitely saving this one

I ran into the kitchen to grab a knife and @chrisroberts half-screamed but was ready for me to 'kill' him if I needed. #thatslove 😍

Pretty happy to have gotten the QuickDraw. I feel like my life is somehow more complete now...😎

That is indeed love! Hilarity ensues in steemit households!

Reminds me of your image:

This is my life now

We have been participating in a long-term selfie game. Everyone that is here started on DAY 1. Each day we do a different challenge and some get eliminated. Eventually, there will be a few winners. 😁

oo thanks...i request you please upvotes my comments....if you want

Hay great how you do it so fast

Hahaha hilarious but I'm sure you are going to drop this dagger and run away soon :P

For real. I terrified me! 😬

Update of no pic so I don't have two....since it won't let me delete.

Like this @papa-pepper?m

EDIT: I didn't "actually" hurt myself. LOL


Lol! A stapler!

It's all i could find, im at work. LMAO

Update! You need to see YOU twice!

Sorry, I need to see the real you threatening the reflection of yourself, like there are two of you. I obviously should have been more specific! Love the stapler though!

This guy is not smiling. Me neither.


cool one and not a smile in sight

You and that damn hammer lol!

Nooooo... 😂😂

Really cool and something right up your alley again ;)

Hey @papa-pepper idea of selfie challenge is going so exciting day by day and have fun with the new tasks although I am not taking part but regularly following the updates as it is humorous and creative.
Thanks sir.
Thank you again.

Glad that you like watching it. You can always join in next season if you want.


Threaten him with a spicy pepper and stick him with a knife... he’s playin checkers and I’m playin chess... wait... there’s something in his left hand!?


You always outdo yourself! This is hysterical!!

Thank you Wonder Woman!

Nice weapon of choice.

Always love your creativity

Hey thanks!

YOur welcome

Really? This couldn't have been any better for me for the quick draw because I have a gun on me 24/7! I kept getting "broadcast error" and it wouldn't load my picture! Oh well, congrats to my girl up there! I'm leaving this picture for my final entry because my main supporter is captured behind me trying to stab me in the head! This couldn't have been timed out any better if I had tried.

Better to point that gun at the mirror for all concerned... you are our fearless leader for sure!

Yes, I am a professional law enforcement firearms instructor with many years of training and experience and I DO NOT recommend anyone to do this EVER! Thank you @otage for reminding me to throw in this "Don't Do This" comment.

I spotted the second threat, yes be safe dont change this photo LOL

lol Good eye, my man!

Maybe more a good sense of preservation 😎👋

I thought you were suppose to be threatening your reflection not yourself lol

Correct... Too dangerous.

He looks so happy about it though kind of disturbing.

She just loves getting in on the action!

Or she's hoping for a slip up perhaps... :/


Be careful over there. This is just your selfie plot arc, nothing more.

I get that 'Broadcast Error' almost every time I upload a new post. I simply ignore the message, clear the form and go to my blog to see that everything uploaded as normal. Why that happens all the time is unknown to me, but that's what happens now. I wish that would be fixed because it's un-nerving.

GRRRR I don't know either but I tried several times and couldn't get my pic to upload! This was my golden quick draw too lol!

Technical difficulties are definitely frustrating! Good thing you are the points leader by such a long shot. It will take a lot of missed opportunities to be unseated. I guess the consolation is knowing that others have their own technical difficulties. Can you imagine the frustration of those who have spotty Internet and can never even hope to get those quick-draw bonus points?

Keep up the good work... you're doing GREAT!

I’d sleep with one eye open!😜

Honey, I do and with a .45 under my pillow.

You look so happy threatening yourself. This is cute!

Lol yeah, its a natural instinct to smile when taking a selfie.

That's sweet. Most of the people I know have a natural instinct to make the duck face when taking a selfie :P

Which is real? I'm jumping in for fun!!

Looking at the picture the right side looks real... nice weapon!

Correct - yes it is, and I have the edge very sharp!!

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