MSP Music & Art Curation Contest Brought To You By Snibby the Cat -the anticipated death- @lilo21

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Hola saludos! Aca les dejo mi entrada espero les guste es una triste historia basada en vida real y la quise compartir con todos ustedes amigos. Bendiciones a todos suerte..

Cuento basada en vida real

Habia una vez, Una familia El senor David garcia se desepeñaba presentando servicio al gobierno, Su esposa Maria colmenares de garcia, Su pasion ama de casa, Habian tenido un hijo llamdo carlos garcia, Al trascurrir el tienpo "David" Comenzaba a llegar tarde de su trabajo a lo normal en el horario que solia llegar Anteriormente. "Maria" Lo notaba extraño Canbiando un poco su actitud, Donde una noche "David" Sale a reunirse con unos colegas de trabajo, "Maria"Entre la curiosidad toma un taxi al instante a la calle y le dice? siga ese automovil, Aquella noche fria de presentimientos de sangre, Mientras en una vereda se encontraba un sujeto apuntando a un joven que lo estaban asaltamdo, Aquel sujeto lo deja sin sus pertenecias ya marchandose le da dos disparo al joven en el pecho , "Maria" dijo al taxista? Siga seguiendo el auto por favor, "David" llega a un burder Pagando a la mejor prostituta que avia la mete para el cuarto ya comienza el acto, Maria entra enfurecidad entre la ira llevo a la mente fria consumida por una traicion, Muy despacio entra a la habitacion haber que sucedia, sorprendiendo carlos, Llena de odio Saca un arma y le dispara, Varios segundo su hijo la llama diciendole (necesito ayuda) Maria solo le Dijo no puedo.. y le colgo, En insofacto las noticias de la prensa comienza a informar, Un sujeto por la veredad (55) fue encontrado asecinado para robarles sus pertenecias su nonbre carlos garcia De 21 años. Maria desauciada sangre en sus manos puso el arma en su cabeza y se suicido..

Me complace en participar en este exelente concurso dirigido: @isaria @Snibby the Cat

Gracias por leer mi publicacion

Tales based on real life

There was once a family once, Mr. David Garcia was unveiling presenting service to the government, His wife Maria apiaries of Garcia, His passion housewife, They had had a son named Carlos Garcia, After the period "David" began to arrive afternoon of his work to normal in the schedule that used to arrive Previously. "Maria" I noticed it strange Changing his attitude a bit, Where one night "David" Goes out to meet with some colleagues at work, "Maria" Among curiosity takes a taxi instantly to the street and tells you? Follow that car, That cold night of forebodings of blood, While in a path was a subject pointing to a young man who was asaltamdo, That subject leaves him without his belongings and leaving two shots the young man in the chest, "Maria "said the taxi driver? Keep on following the car, please, "David" arrives at a burder Paying the best prostitia that sent her into the room and the act begins, Maria enters anger between the anger led to the cold mind consumed by a betrayal, Very slowly enters to the room to have it happen, surprising "David" Full of hate without remedy words Pull out a gun and shoot him, Several seconds his son calls her saying (I need help) Maria just told him I can not .. and I hang him, In insofacto the news from the press begins to inform, A subject by the street July 5 veredad (55) was found asecinado With two diparos in the chest to steal their belongings his nonbre carlos garcia 21 years. Maria desuciated blood in his hands put the gun on his head and committed suicide..

I am pleased to participate in this excellent directed contest: @isaria @Snibby the Cat

Thanks for reading my publication

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