Steemit Wishes 2018 CHALLENGE #4 / The New 10 selected participants!

in #contest7 years ago

Dear steemians,

Thank you to all steemians participants to my first Steemit Wishes 2018 CHALLENGE!

You are a lot of creative people, the choice will be hard! ^^.
I loved reading your beautiful wishes lists! I hope all that your wishes will come true in 2018 ...

Here is the list of the new 10 participants who respected the rules of the contest. Every day, I will post 10 selected people. You have until December 31 to participate.

December 31 at midnight, I will close the contest.
The 1st January 2018, I will make my final selection and you will then have the result !!!

The new 10 selected participants

21. @crystalpacheco30

  • Become more successful in my steemit posts
  • Be more of a a help in the steemit community
  • Try to have a better understanding in cyprtocurrency
  • Try to maintain a healthy lifestyle
  • Try to get 1,000 followers in steemit

22. @cryp2me

  • Creating the #1 Million Contest: Helping one million people to get their first one million dollar in 1 year starting with 1000 usd (me included 🤑 )
  • Launching a YouTube channel where every day I will upload a video where I will be giving the most profitable trading and investiment info, and updating my portfolio progress, and coaching everyone to reach the 1.000.000 usd goal.
  • Create and manage a Facebook Group where people that is following the contest can talk about their progress and share their valuable knowledge with other people to solve their questions.
  • Giving away a 1% of my monthly profits to a random active Milloner who is following the Steemit Contest and follow all the contest social media
  • Write a book to give it for free with the most important changes you need to do in your life style and mindset to have abundance in your life.

23. @fun2learn

  • Daily post in steemit gets to earn $200
  • Clear all my debts
  • Have a good year-end bonus in 2018
  • Build a passive income online
  • Reach 10000 followers
  • Have some steemit whales to give my daily post a push
  • All my crypto bought and keep will go to the moon

24. @itisnow

  • i wish my BF will still be luckily together with his girlfriend, so i will have to give him a truck full with melons in 2019 ;)
  • i wish i will get together with the most incredible girl i've ever met <3
  • i wish i will constantly work on my dancing skills and to slowly develop into a good dancer :D
  • i wish i will work hard here on steemit to be able to rely completely on crypto's, while helping others with my posts ^^
  • i wish i will convert everything i learnt this year about health and my body, so my body will be in his best state possible :)
  • i wish i will travel to japan with my best friend this year yeah
  • i wish i will continue to move on to a much more charismatic, inspiring person, and to change as many lives as possible on this journey
  • i wish i will have the courage to help people in need whenever i will see it and have the courage to try to help family and friends, who struggle with their health for example, and dont see the way out i might see. :)

25. @orbital753

  • Soy de Venezuela y me gustaria que mi pais saliera de la terrible situacion economica y social en la que se encuentra.
  • Debido a la situacion de mi pais, muchas familias se han visto separadas por grandes distancias ya que muchos venezolanos, en especial jovenes han decidido emigrar en busca de mejores condiciones de vida. Mi deseo es que estas familias mas pronto que tarde puedan volver a estar juntas.
  • Deseo que todos los jovenes venezolanos que han dejado de estudiar para buscar un empleo y poder mantenerse a ellos y sus familia puedan re tomar sus deseos de seguir estudiando convertirse en profesionales.
  • Deseo que todas las personas que se encuentran sufriendo en hospitales puedan recuperarse de su situacion y salir adelante.
  • Deseo que cada joven tenga derecho a la educacion y a su juventud, que no sea privado de la misma debido a precarias condiciones de vida.

26. @marpa

  • Tener muchas galletas amarillas.
  • Poder comer todas las galletas sin que me duela la pancita.
  • Paz para mi país Colombia
  • Amor para todo ser vivo, incluyendo babosas y zarigüeyas.
  • Que mi vestido morado siga siendo perenne.

27. @harbecity

  • I wish steeemit will grow stronger than this and be in competition with bitcon
  • I wish to meet you in person @flamingirl and give you a long lasting hug for a being a philanthropist
  • I wish to be your personal assistant when you become the Barcelona spokesperson
  • I wish those who have more knowledge about steemit can organize a seminar for new members
  • I wish to be the Africa grand ambassador for steemit and bring more members on board to be a partaker of this platform
  • I wish to travel around the world and tell people about Steemit

28. @veganrabbit

  • For a family, in whatever form that takes. Whether we have our own little bundle of joy or if we foster to help a child in need. Or both!
  • That my colleagues will feel supported by me at work every day and they will feel like they can come to me for help and advice
  • To go overseas somewhere. I don't care where. Even just to Bali to relax for a few days would be incredible
  • To see my sister, she lives in a different state so I haven't seen her, or my nephew, in over a year
  • To get something sparkly for my finger- I don't really need this, I'm perfectly happy the way we are, but it's always nice to get a surprise!

29. @toriasunshine

  • To pass my examinations.
  • To have a steady earning.
  • To be closer to God
  • To see my sister who i haven't seen for over a year now.
  • To see my nephew who I have never seen.
  • To be very happy
  • To win this contest.
  • To be successful in steemit.

30. @renchoo

  • To renovate our house and give my mother her own room.
  • To maintain my scholarship in the university I am in.
  • To have many followers here in steemit and gain USD's to support my mother's medication.
  • To be accepted in any part-time jobs I am applying.
  • To welcome new year with a good start (ex. Winning this contest)

Good luck to everyone! Stay connected for the next 10 wishes lists selectionned!

If you enjoyed reading this blog, don't hesitate to vote, comment and reestem! ;)

Thanks for your support my lovely followers!

  1. I wish peace to all people around the world
  2. I wish good health, longevity and safety to me and for people I love
  3. I wish to be successful in steemit, that's why become rich and even buy an apartment in the capital Kiev from my steemit earnings )
  4. I wish to have more knowledge to handle life
  5. I wish best of good luck for me, for example, to win this contest)

that is nice.. happy new year!

Nice post. I see good 2018

good night friend

Advance happy new year

this is posting interesting thank you very much goood luck

Nice post. Happy new year in advance.

A wonderful explanation worth mentioning

Awesome post!

Wishing everyone all the best in 2018!

Thanks for choosing me among those who commented.... What next is on the agenda? My username is @harbecity

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