Prize Pool #6 - SBD Prize 02/17/18

in #contest7 years ago

What is the Prize Pool?

It is a daily sweepstakes that has a few purposes.

  1. Provide a daily SBD prize to a lucky winner
  2. Provide funds for 4 jackpot pools paying 10, 25, 50 and 100 SBD
  3. To have fun!

How do I participate

  1. Look for the prize pool post daily.
  2. At the bottom of the page, you will find a question. (very simple for daily pool)
  3. In a comment to this post, give us your answer.
  4. Not mandatory, but It’s how we pay for these contests, please upvote and resteem this post.
  5. Before the post pays out, you will be assigned a number. It will be added as a reply to your post.
  6. Once the post pays out, we use a random # generator ( to pick the winner.
  7. Winner will be announced in the next daily post.

How are the jackpot pools handled?

Every daily prize pools earnings are split 5 ways.

Suppose this prize pool post nets 5 SBD in upvotes. Each of the 5 prize pools earns 20% of every prize pool post.

Each prize pool would have 1 SBD added to it if the total SBD payout is 5 SBD.

That means the daily prize pool is paid for completely.

The 10 SBD prize would pay out every 10 days.
The 25 SBD prize pool would pay out every 25 days.
The 50 SBD prize pool would pay out every 50 days.
The 100 SBD prize pool would pay out every 100 days.

Who can enter?

Any member of Steemit can join, but keep in mind only the daily mini will be a sweepstakes. The main SBD prizes will be a contest that requires a little more effort (like making a post). The subjects will be about the homesteading/survival/self-sufficiency/foraging categories. Knowledge in these areas will always be a big plus in the larger prize contests.

Unlike the daily prize sweeps, the large prize contests will require some thought. We are looking for the best of the best. We'll be asking for your ideas on what to do or how to do something specific to the homesteading/survival/self-sufficiency/foraging categories. Knowing little about these categories can be a hindrance to your chances of winning.

Daily accounting

In the post for the daily Mini contests/sweeps, I will include a full accounting of all SBD earned on every post. You can track my numbers just by looking at my Wallet History. I want everything to be open for everyone to see.

What is the daily prize?


How is the winner chosen?

I will assign a number to each entry by commenting on your entry. When the post pays out, I will use a random number generator to choose a number. I will take a screen shot of the number and post it for everyone to see. The owner of that number wins the prize.

When do I get my winnings?

When the winner is announced.

Can the daily prize grow?

Yes, it all depends on how much incoming funds there are. Check the accounting to see where we stand

NOTE: Accounting updates are only accurate to the last payout received. If a payout happens after the new daily post has been made, it will reflect on the next day’s accounting.

Prize Pools still open for entry

Prize Pool #1 Payout 2018-02-19, 17:19
Prize Pool #2 SBD Prize Payout 2018-02-20, 11:31
Prize Pool #3 SBD Prize Payout 2018-02-21
Prize Pool #4 SBD Prize Payout 2018-02-22
Prize Pool #5 SBD Prize payout 2018-02-23

Answer the following question in the comments below to enter

If a strange comet passed by the world and everyone on earth except you and one other person disappeared, who would you want that one person to be?


My family

My wife!

How about a woman named Eve and then I'll change my name to Adam... LOL

Adam, my husband. He’s smart and he can build things and cook meat over an open fire. And he’s big and tough, and I’m scared of the dark...

A girl of my age... for future generation :)

My boyfriend, post apocalyptic video games are our jam so maybe we would last more than 24 hours haha!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.030
BTC 65678.25
ETH 2669.38
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.88