The Arrest of Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf - Accessing the Account Attached to your Birth Certificate Worth Millions

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

**TL;DR - Supposedly, every person has a STRAWMAN or Treasury Direct Account worth millions used as collateral by the government. You are property. You can access this account and use it to pay debts and bills, but you could also be arrested for doing so. Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf is a U.S. attorney and financial expert spear-heading a movement of getting these funds in the hands of the rightful owner, YOU! She has been arrested by the FBI.

Let me caution you: Don't try this.**

Let me preface this by saying, this is a deep, deep, dangerous rabbit hole.

If it's true that we all have a large sum of money attached to us through our birth certificate which doubles as a stock certificate used as collateral by the government, then this information is very valuable.

I will try to be brief.

I don't even fully understand how this all works, but supposedly there is a movement of sorts spear-headed by Heather Tucci of people accessing their accounts and using them to pay off debts and bills.

You can't withdraw funds from the account, but you can use it to pay debt, bills, and to buy CDs (Certificate of Deposit).

Here are a few videos for when you have time:

- Part 1 with Heather on call

- Part 2

These videos aren't exciting. I'm sure there are much better ones out there. These are for information purposes only. Check your sidebar, do you own searches and research.

This account created at your birth is called a TDA or Treasury Direct Account. It is accessible through the Federal Reserve bank. You can use it like a bank account by using the routing number for your district and your social security number. I'm not going into full detail because:

  1. I've never done it
  2. There are videos and websites that can explain it better than I can

Website References

If you decide to use any of this information, you do so at your own risk.

This tactic is being flagged by the Federal Reserve as fraud, so just be aware, there are consequences to using or attempting to use these accounts. We're not supposed to know about them.

Make sure and read up. Do your own research.

The odd thing is you can gain official ownership of your STRAWMAN by filling out a UCC-1 form...yes, an official government form for an account in YOUR name that isn't supposed to exist.

Who Is Heather Tucci?

Heather is a former attorney with a few other credentials from @thelightreports on Steemit -

That's pretty much all I know about her. That, and that she was arrested by 3 FBI agents in the Terrorism division on the July 25, 2017, I think it was.

There are videos all over YouTube following her case. This post is too long already.


I don't really know what to make of all of this. If there really is an account for each of us that is rightfully ours and will make us financially free, I absolutely think that needs to happen ASAP.

However, as with everything, what are the ramifications of that?

Also, if this isn't true then why have people been able to access these accounts and pay bills with their SSN? Are they all lying? What do the ones lying about this stand to gain? Is it just another scam? -

If it is true, the arrests taking place would seem to be to silence popular proponents of this movement.

Educate yourself. Question everything. Shine a light in the darkness.


I been watching very closely thanks for the update. From my research for the last year there are accounts at The Federal Reserve corporation in all Americans all caps names and that the SSN is the account number and that some people have perfected the routing numbers thus then have started paying off their debts. Now all that has to happen is for the Justice system to stop trying to keep it secret. It is not theft if your name is on the account it belongs to you.

Exactly. However, every silver lining still has a cloud that needs to be dealt with. What kind of repercussions would come from every citizen having millions of dollars? Would currency then be devalued to the point it didn't matter?

On the flip side, I'm not okay with my name being used, and I'm certainly not okay with an account somewhere with a bunch of money in it under my name. What would be the purpose of that other than using me and other citizens as tradable property?

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