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in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

I disagree with the conclusion that the flat Earth model is simply bollocks. The real reason the discussion continues is that from on the Earth itself, all the typical proofs that one could possibly use always indicate the Earth model as behaving as flat. If you are willing to believe NASA and the mass media / Hollywood (basically the same thing) then of course the Earth must be round, but these lying pricks have proven themselves over and over as pure disinfo agents.

You are simply making the assumption that the Earth that we are on is just one of the other planets that we see. This is not necessarily the case although this is the story that we are given. This could be true, but we have no way to prove this from on the Earth. In fact, the vast majority of empirical proofs point to a flat Earth conclusion. I could actually write for days on all the reasons I don't trust any Earth model conclusion at this point. Frankly we just don't have a way to know unless you want to trust the NASholes.

If you want to be blown away on any Earth model discussions, you need to have a listen to Jeffrey Grupp. Grupp is incredibly intelligent and used to teach mathematics and the history and philosophy of science at the University of Michigan. He can give you proof after proof as to why the Earth model can't be proven as round from Earth. I highly suggest having a listen to Jeffrey here:

I also suggest you dig into his many insightful and thought provoking videos on the topic at:


Thanks for that - I'll check it all out - I fully agree that NASA are lying about almost everything, but this flat earth thing, looks like a disinformation campaign to me...

Now I'm not trying to be negative here but that first video is just two guys rabbiting on and chewing the shit for 1:48 - did you really listen to all that?

If the earth is flat wouldn't cats knock everything off the edge lol ;)

Actually I did listen to the Grupp interview above some time back, but not recently. If you want really concentrated analysis on various flat earth proofs, there are some better videos for this. I chose the video above specifically because then you get to know what kind of person Grupp is and how intelligent he is. You can see quickly that he's no crackpot and he's no disinformation agent. He's just driven to check the empirical evidence for all of it. I respect this fully with Grupp.

If you want proofs quickly then this video is probably the better one:

Yes this video and Dave Murphy does very good explanation of general idea, so you have heard it and considered it, no need for me to bother you about it then really. that is all I want people to do is take a look into it, I don't know for sure, I feel like I do but I do not. (Thanks for the upvotes, and please no more , spread them around) I appreciate your thoughts, its fun discussing this stuff.

Here's more extreme BS from the NASholes:

Magical rover cleanings and incredible rover lifespans:

The blatant recoloring of Mars images:

Looks the same as Devon Island, Canada.. hmm, what a coincidence:

A much longer, detailed video on all the NASA Mars rover BS:

Yeah, I trust these guys fully.. (facepalm)

But that is the thing - the fact that NASA are lying about all this stuff has nothing to do with flat earth.

Not true. There is absolutely relevance to their fakery. It means that you can't trust one of the key organizations that supposedly gives you "real" evidence of a round Earth.

Of course it doesn't follow that the Earth is flat automatically because these pricks are fraudulent, but it certainly makes all their Earth model stories incredibly suspect. This includes all their supposed photos of Earth from space which are all photoshopped... and very provably photoshopped I might add.

This would all be so easy to prove - just film from a plane flying over the edge of the dinner plate, then drop under the dinner plate and film the underneath

Atomic bombs are fake too. But that doesn't make the earth flat...

Feel free to hire a plane to fly across Antarctica. Just get some damn good insurance and some serious winter survival gear.. ;-)

It's not me who has something to prove...

Are you implying me? I'm not a flat Earther.. I am Earth model agnostic. ;-) My only point is that I've invested a lot of time in actually listening to and thinking about all the arguments that are given by the flat Earthers. This includes real empirical evidence from on the ground experimentation. There is nothing that proves it's round from this - seriously nothing. This means we are trusting the NASholes on their model. I'm not comfortable with that either.

I have simply posted very compelling anecdotal evidence that I think is worth thinking about as well. What that leaves us with however is not proof, but only helps clarify some of the evidence available on the opposite side of the fence from where you are sitting at this point. We both already know the evidence from the round model perspective anyway.

You also might like the Popular Science article on Auguste Piccard and what he saw from the edge of space. Here's a video on it:

Again, I'm not sold one direction or the other at this point, but this is another really interesting story that never gets talked about. Individually, these things don't "prove" anything, but collectively they paint a very interesting picture that we should be paying attention to.

So are you unsure if you are a flat earther? -I'm not sure if it's necessary to be agnostic about this, it's not that confusing really...

No, I'm Earth model agnostic, not Earth model confused. It could be the Earth is even way bigger than we are told. It could be that the Earth is a hyper dimensional space. It could be a number of things. The point still is, there are no empirical tests that I have seen done from the surface of the Earth that can prove it's round. No engineering takes into account in their designs that it's round (e.g. tunnels, altimeters, etc.) Even with air refraction, we can see far further than the curvature would ever allow. Then there's other BS given to us to "indicate" a globe model, like aluminum satellites that survive 4,000+ F in the Thermosphere? Liquid fuel engines give thrust without surrounding air pressure? There are a lot of questions, questions, questions. If you can already answer all these open questions with clear proofs then I'll believe whatever model that these proofs point to. It could be shaped like a f'n bunny rabbit for all I care. This is called the scientific method. You follow where the provable evidence leads you, and not what you would like it to be or already assume it to be.

Doesn't flying all the way around the globe in a plane count? (yes I looked out the window!)

I'm not looking for interesting stories - just PROOF - which for obvious reasons has never been filmed...

LOL, I copy pasted wrong video lololollo. sorry about that , you are right, waste of time.

100% EARTH IS FLAT !! I just made and put out a troll video for debunking flat earth Flat Earth Debunked! Freaks Failures and Flunkies! (I had to make the title believable haha) tell me what you think if you get a chance .

Thanks for the resteem.

You do realise I'm saying flat earth is bollocks?

I thought you were taking the piss, but you are a real flat earther aren't you?

Holy crap...

Yes, the Vegas shooting was fake too, but that was pretty obvious the day it happened, like 911.

LOL, I just saw this. You make me laugh. Soon Grasshoppa the earth will flatten before your eyes.....9/11 lol I was DEAD Asleep, so depressing. I can't believe you can be so awake and not see the earth is not some ball .

Check this out. Do you think a book can make itself? No of course not , it cannot make the ink, the paper, the glue,write the story etc etc, any way our DNA is called "the book of life" so did our DNA just write its own book from nothing??? How could it ?? ( Ray Comfort on youtube does street preaching and uses this schitck.) We all know a book cannot write itself so why do so many think we evolved from apes?? Easy, we were told so we believe it. The Bible is so clear about the earth NOT being a ball. I was HARDCORE atheist but you take all the lies, hoaxes, brainwashing , evidence for against, the ball loses in my opinion. Water sticking to a spinning ball is insane. NASA is INSANE. Airplanes flying against the spin of the earth and it not affecting the route time is INSANE, pressure systems existing within vacuums with no solid barrier is INSANE, seeing mountains 150 miles aways is INSANE.

You are now standing with the MAJORITY in believing the ball lie. Good luck with that, I'd rather be a lone "nutcase" you know? PEACE

Didn't the bible say we are all apes?

WHAT LOL!!!!! I still have not finished reading the Bible for the first time lol , no but there ARE reptillians OH NO!


I think you did more for Flat Earth movement with your post than I have for the last 10 months haha, THANKS!
I can't wait to me you on the Flat Side,

Glad to be of service, anyone who reads all this will become a flat earther for sure :)

It takes a few times to get it through those THICK skulls!


Not you, people in general...

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