GOOGLE IS PURE EVIL. The full implications are just hitting me now. GOOGLE. IS. PURE. EVIL.

in #conspiracy7 years ago

In a recent memo, titled "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber", the author argues that women are underrepresented in tech not only or necessarily because they face bias and discrimination in the workplace, but in part because of inherent differences between men and women. 

Have you taken time to read the memo? Link below if you want to review. It is a quick and fairly easy read.

I'll extract one small section of the full memo, to give you a tiny taste if you don't want to consume the full 10 pages. The content seems relatively even-handed and balanced treatment in my opinion, of a topic that is often perceived as to politically incorrect to even try to discuss.

James Damore: "On average, men and women biologically differ in many ways. These differences aren't just socially constructed because:

  • They're universal across human cultures
  • They often have clear biological causes and links to prenatal testosterone
  • Biological males that were castrated at birth and raised as females often still identify and act like males
  • The underlying traits are highly heritable
  • They're exactly what we would predict from an evolutionary psychology perspective

Note, I'm not saying that all men differ from women in the following ways or that these differences are "just." I'm simply stating that the distribution of preferences and abilities of men and women differ in part due to biological causes and that these differences may explain why we don't see equal representation of women in tech and leadership. Many of these differences are small and there's significant overlap between men and women, so you can't say anything about an individual given these population level distributions." 

Google leadership has got caught in the leftist crap trap nonsense that men and women are perfectly equal, exactly equal, exactly equivalent in every possible way.  And of course that is complete nonsense. 

There are important biological differences between men and women, and those differences are expressed in many dimensions. The author bends over backwards in reporting that the differences are all individually small and have significant overlaps between men and women, therefore conclusions cannot be reached about any individual. The distributions of the variations have to reviewed and then acted on at the population level.

The 10-page letter was met with immediate scorn and derision and gross misinterpretation by the left — just the kind of reaction he was writing about. By Monday, the author’s identity was revealed and he was fired from Google. 

Google engineer says the company is intolerant of different viewpoints. So they fired him.  Q.E.D.

Without too much additional research, it was possible to pull up a lot of other information (using google), about some of the other evil pursuits that Google is engaged in.

- Google is engaged in censorship, primarily censorship of independent media "right" leaning content

- Google is demonetizing content for independent media on Youtube

- Google will surpress natural remedies and favor search results for Big Pharma as preferred alternatives


On every topic you can think of — natural medicine, independent media, GMOs, economic freedom, medical choice, pesticides, the abortion industry, infectious disease, etc. — Google has now aligned itself with the most evil, destructive and criminal forces across our world. It’s now apparent to an ever-increasing number of people that Google has become the “enabler” of mass human death, destruction and suffering while censoring freedom, truth and awakening.

Time for the Justice Department to start investigating this monopoly.  

Power corrupts.  Monopoly power corrupts absolutely.

Please upvote if your eyes were opened about intrusive Google is becoming, and how far they have strayed into the realm of doing truly evil shit.



p.s. anyone have a good alternative search engine they can recommend?


Good has always been evil , ever since they started putting up illuminati signs . They believe that whatever they put up , people will read and agree because it has to do with google . Well wrong is wrong , no matter how you word it

Need to have DoJ watching this monopoly closely

The fact that truther channels are deleted from YouTube with their years of work and subs erased. The fact that YouTube shoves their LGBT depopulation propaganda down our throats. Google is pure evil

Dunno if you know "WeAreChange," (from youtube, an independent media) but just recently almost all of his videos got demonetized. It seems to be at a real breakthrough right now were the censorship is heading. If your interested in the specific video:

Big purge by the EVIL puppetmasters. They don't want anyone to have an ability to view alternate opinions.

When your point of view can't withstand questioning and scrutiny, censorship is the last refuge of an EVIL scoundrel

They try to do it as less obvious as possible though, so there won't be too much of a rage from the public. As in the same time they get to advocate their ideology.

Nice post and so sad that the 'internet' is being more and more ideological.
I cannot understand what all this fuzz is about. There are huge differences between the sexes, e.g. hormones and how their brains are wired and also how their perceive the world. Men are the risk takers of this world, women the nurturers. Better let nature do its job and not mix ideology into it.

have a look at

They want to take on google with a decentralised search engine. I think thirst stage they will still use google, but long term plan is to take on google!

Writing has been on the wall on which way Google was going years ago:

best alternative:

They also have an app:

For optimal privacy, use it with the Tor Browser:

It's better. Tor is not perfect...even with proxies, the onion browser and knowing what your doing. Ever heard of silk road? The notorious deep web gun and drug supplier...yea they wherw anonymous for awhile...nothing is fool proof. Want real anonymous? Learn how to do it properly usong a few techniques like not using your personal internet to begin with...

to be true anonymous you have to do this. But please use it for good. Drugs and weapon are bad!!!!!
Get a vpn router.
use a vpn that allows tor
Second download another vpn but a decentralized one :)=
Now use tor.
Adn do not use it for drugs. they kill you.

Googles motto for years was "Don't Be Evil" until they dropped it as their motto in 2015 (which ironically is when they really started to implement more noticible forms of censorship and other "evil" deeds).

New Google Parent Company Drops 'Don't Be Evil' Motto

Surprised they didn't just change it to "Wicked is good" as the replacement...

that's coming after the dawn of the new age on Sept 23.

Leftists never use truth in advertising

I also liked Assange's "The banality of Don't be evil", alone for the title.

That is interesting stuff, thanks for the link

Well now, you have to know that this is a business m and has much influence more powerful people behind,

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