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RE: Conspiratorial Discussion Panel: Are 'white people' from another planet?

in #conspiracy8 years ago

I'm a big believer in the Occam's razor principle. That is the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. So the simplest explanation to me is that a genetic mutation or trait developed along the way that led to white skin, etc. Perhaps this trait developed because of environmental conditions or some other reason.

Plus, if white people, or any other race on earth, developed as a completely different species on another planet, they likely couldn't breed with others on earth. We just wouldn't be similar enough genetically. Unless God put two different groups of people on different planets and made them compatible but then there is no theological evidence for that as far as I know.

So in short, to me the theory does not seem at all plausible.


I dont know what you refer to by "God"...

I do believe that every human "race" is indeed a different species, and that ET's have interbred with humans since the begining of our sapience.

The evidence is among the thousands of so called myths, legends, and ancient texts spread throughout every culture.

The Greek gods, for example, were said to have interbred with humans.

I believe that all legends and religious doctrine have their base in truth.

I do not believe that "white people" are "from another planet" - but merely that there is a possibility that they could be an offshoot of a lineage such as so called "giants" who would have bred with the surrounded populations resulting perhaps in the advent of "whiteness"


All that I mean to do by providing this theory is to provide a perspective that is to be perceived with an open mind - for surely all reams of possibility exist.

Whether there is even an ounce of truth to this theory I cannot say - it is merely proposed to expand your mind.

Thank you for participating.

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