
So you dont believe that anyone should pay tax?
What protection from a mugger woukd you have without paying tax? A fully volenteer police department? Volenteer army?
Or would you ask the ppl in your community to chip in and help pay for the protection? You know like a tax.?

Correct, I dont think anyone should be robbed. You mean making a consensual agreement with a private protection agency? Yeah, maybe. Or I could just protect myself. Or a community watch program could certainly work as well. Like the video implies, the difference is consent. The thing that makes taxation theft is force. The same thing that makes sex rape.

So musk lands on mars sets up a colony and ppl flood there, good and bad ones,
They set up Frontier camps and let the setteler go, freemarket will look after you,
they go it alone at first defending them self from the few bad guys out there whom dont want to work for what they have, these indviduals descoverd that if they banded together they could protect them selfs better, from the ever geowing numbers of the "bandits".
then once they all got together, you have a town, then this town decides that they would be better protected by having a full time security force, so the choose some ppl to make laws for this security force to enforce,
the security force needs to be trained and effective to deter these would be bandits, so they dont have time to work any other job then keeping the peace. So they need to be compisated,
So the town leader they chose then ask ppl to help pay for it based appon there means, and if they dont pay they will need to leave the town and the protections it provides,
is this a fair propersition?
Because regardless if the security force didnt provide those who didnt pay for there protection with help, they would still benifit from it, with the increased abillity for private enterprise to flusrish due to the low rate of crime and stababilty of the town?

Dont get me wrong im all for SMALL goverment.. but no goverment? No thanks
As i said when you have no goverment then thats when ppl are inslaved and forced to work without consent.. becasue the strong rule without concent when there isnt a colective to stand up to it. Goverment.
Free market and capatilisim only flourish with goverment protection, just look toward the 3rd world, asia, and the middle east to see how we act without a fuctioning democratic goverment,

Anything that says "do this or else" is not consensual. It is the moral equivilent to rape. Doesn't matter what kind of wacky story you add on to it. Rape is rape.

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