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RE: Greenwich Market

in #community6 years ago

That's just it. I don't think they did. Author's row was probably the loneliest place in the entire state fair. I figured I'd just set up some photos or something of the books, maybe sell some T-shirts, but have a couple tablets on hand to except credit card payments to download the books. Not sure if that would work very well, but better than buying a bunch of copies of a book to sell then sitting around with a couple dozen lonely authors watching the world go by. :)


Doesn't sound like much fun to me @glenalbrethsen. 😊

Do you see your reply twice or is it just in my feed? Steemit seems to be really glitchy lately.

Can't remember now, but if you saw it twice, it was probably this one. I did have one that showed up twice because Steemit wasn't working right. It was very glitchy on Saturday, which did't help much. The frustration/who cares level was high enough without that happening. I ended up deleting the extra comment after I saw what happened because I didn't want it to be counted twice for Asher's league results. :)

Yeah. I had the same problems on Saturday @glenalbrethsen and very little time to deal with it as we were looking after the grandchildren.

I had a number of comments paste twice and then had to go back and delete the extra one.

I've been out all day so not sure whether things are good here today or not. I'm about to find out! 😁

Things seem to be up and running okay so far. Posting and upvoting have all worked like normal on my end. Hopefully, that's what you've been experiencing, too. Nothing more frustrating when it's kind of in between rather than all up or all down. At least you know where you stand. In the middle, it's like they're teasing you with the possibilities before yanking the carpet out from underneath you. Okay, maybe not that dramatic. :)

Yeah. Maybe not that dramatic @glenalbrethsen but I agree, it's more frustrating when it's neither one or the other.

It seems OK at the moment but I haven't tried a post yet. I'm just looking at my shadow photographs . . . 😊

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