Deathlok Action Figure. Marvel Legend

in #comics6 years ago (edited)


This Deathlok figure is my second from the recent Deadpool wave of toys (which is turning out to be a seriously great wave). The first figure from the wave was the classic Deadpool. While this guy wasn't the main figure I wanted (Cable) from this wave, he is a great figure and the more I look at him the more I find.

This guy deserves so many pictures

Seriously though, as my friend said (who happened to get him the same day)...

"His fun factor is off the charts"

...and he isn't wrong. The features on Deathlok are crazy, most figures you are lucky to get a single weapon, or an alt head. The functionality, and the fun exclusive details they added to him are above and beyond your typical Marvel Legend. From top to bottom he has...

  • Custom head
  • Backpack that is removable
  • Front tube is removable
  • Belt/Holster is functional
  • Small gun fits perfectly in the holster, and in either hand.
  • Large Gatling gun has an ammo belt, and thebarrel even rotates.

For those of you who don't know much about Deathlok or who he is, I'll give you a brief synopsis of what I know.

  • Deathlok originally was a human that died, and was brought back with cybernetic technology, similar technology within the Marvel universe has used the term "Deathlok tech" as well as multiple other people.
  • He is a member of the X-Force (You know, that team in the new Deadpool 2 movie)
  • His powers are the typical super strength/stamina, but he also can repair himself, and track multiple things/people at once due to his cyborg parts.
  • The recent show Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. features a version of Deathlok as a reoccurring character


"Hey there Mr. tall dark and ugly... that's a mighty nice gun you got there"

"BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I AM KING... that was almost too easy"

"Oh uh... hey Mr. Deathl....

Moral of the story

Never touch a mans gun

Bonus pics....


Updated collection shot: Antiheroes Vs. Heros... and Loki sitting it out.


Check out the new Black Panther custom figure I am making!


I am now following this posts just to know about comics. I watch marvel movies, yes and I love them truly but yours is an affair brother, lol! You know too much :D

I remember some interesting angles taken with Deathlok in the past, I should do some rereading. I just recall him being such a patchwork that there were even scenes where his muscle strength was better than his bone strength, so at maximum exertion he’d actually snap his own bones! The kind of stuff you don’t see out of your run of the mill heroes!

You bring joy to gloomy mornings. There are'nt many things more uplifting than a good figure review. Good job!

Its crazy how detailed and pose-able these new figures are getting... I remember when I was playing with GI Joes if you spun his midsection around enough you would just snap his rubber band in half and have to Joe halves lol.... now i sound old :/

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