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RE: [Discussion Post] What was your college/schooling experience like?

in #college4 years ago

From my great dreams and goals to fulfill, from an early age, there was great attraction for what is law, its study, the justice systems and that enigmatism that the life of a lawyer transmitted to me, some will tell the experience that as children , they felt a certain sympathy or occupation that later when they got older they were modifying and changing. my experience was that as a child I wanted to be a lawyer. I highlight this fact because if everyone is excited to enter the university, the more satisfaction can someone feel who ventures into the world of their dreams. the academy transcended my expectations, it was no longer that concept of the rigid and dogmatic of the laws but a series of teachings that help me to understand life in a better way ... it is inconceivable to narrate the experience of those lived at the university , not to mention the anecdotes told by the teachers, these constitute a source of wisdom and stimulate us to continue the fight that is why we long. Each teacher becomes a benchmark of what you possibly will be or want to be upon graduating from university. My university life has been wrapped in endless feelings and experiences, uncertainty, successes, expectations, achievements, competitiveness, disappointment and ego .. I express this with great satisfaction because judging by what is seen in other people's experience and as is common in my country and my society, there are countless people who enter to study university degrees who do not want or identify with them, so they lack vocation and when entering the world of work, and frustrate and as I have to deduce, the fruits of work are few. Thank God, I was able to study at a university that I like, with professors worthy of example, the career that I always dreamed of and, in addition, it was at the university that I met the woman I love and who is currently my companion for days and nights, in good times and bad, it is my inspiration, my strength and my complement in the workplace; Fortunately, she also studied law. Today I am pleased and proud to say that God through the university gave me the fortune to feel useful, to others, to society, to my family and to my wife. Long live the academy!!



I loved reading you ❤

It is because you are included in my story, I miss you my black!!

A truly remarkable story!

I am glad that you were able to pursue your dream, and I tend to agree that it is much better going into university with an idea of what you want out of it. You are right that too many people go to college because they think it is what they should do, rather than because they want to. I am happy for you, and the life that you have built for yourself through your hard work!

Grateful that you have read my experience, the university is as fruitful as we want it to be, when we have clear goals and precise objectives we will more easily obtain what we want ... I hope to read your experience soon.

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