Coffee Statistics II Statistik Kopi (Bilingual)

in #coffee7 years ago


Coffee Statistics

Oleh: @usmanosama (Muhammad Usman)

Garden commodities are the mainstay of Indonesian national and foreign exchange. One of the contributions of plantation sub-sector is coffee plantation.

The five largest coffee producing countries in the world, the plant season 2016-2017:

While the five largest exporters in the world in the 2016-2017 season, according to International Coffe Organization data are:

Five regions in Indonesia that contribute greatly to world coffee production are:

  1. Aceh
  2. Sumatera Utara
  3. Bengkulu
  4. Sulawesi Selatan
  5. Lampung


Statistik Kopi


Komoditas kebun menjadi andalan bagi pendapat nasional Indonesia dan devisa negara. Salah satu bentuk kontribusi sub sektor perkebunan adalah kebun kopi.

Lima negera produsen kopi terbesar di dunia, musim tanaman 2016-2017:

Sedangkan lima eksportir terbesar di dunia pada musim 2016-2017, menurut data International Coffe Organization adalah:

Lima daerah di Indonesia yang berkontribusi besar untuk produksi kopi dunia adalah:

  1. Aceh
  2. Sumatera Utara
  3. Bengkulu
  4. Sulawesi Selatan
  5. Lampung


Together We Can

Regards, Nanggroe Steemit Community (NSC)

Aceh Utara, 15 February 2018


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