消失这几天的原因 -- 完成了我的论文--What is Cyber Physical Systems?

in #cn6 years ago (edited)

很喜欢我们学校博士生学院的slogan: What you are, takes you far! 从过完年回来,整整两个月,一篇journal,三篇conference, 外加自己的dissertation, 我真的写东西写到生理上想吐。

博士论文主要是讲Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) 的建模和模拟的。 什么是Cyber Physical System呢?我想查看一下对应的中文翻译,可是找了半天都没有找到和我理解中的CPS对应的中文概念。所以还是用英语写写吧,PS, 学校的检查剽窃的软件真厉害!真是逼得人全要自己写,连续5个词和其他人的论文重合都算!

Cyber Physical Systems that bridge the cyber-world of computing and communications with the physical world are referred to as CPS.
CPS are physical and computational systems whose operations are monitored, coordinated, controlled and integrated by a computing and communication core. This intimate coupling between the cyber and physical world manifests itself from the nano-scale to large-scale wide range of systems. The Internet changed how people interact and communicate with one another, revolutionized how and where information is accessed, and even changed the traditional manners of humans, such as how people buy and sell products. Similarly, CPS will transform how humans interact with and control the physical world around us. Examples of CPS include medical devices and systems, aerospace systems, transportation vehicles and intelligent highways, defense systems, robotic systems, process control, factory automation, building and environmental control and smart spaces.

The original definition dates back approximately 10 years when a group of academicians in the United States realized that embedded systems were evolving into systems where physical aspects played a fundamental role. The interaction between the intelligence provided by distributed processors that were interconnected with networks of growing complexity and the physical world where they were immersed could not be ignored or considered of secondary importance. The definition of the research field described by the term Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) came from a series of discussions of Berkeley faculty (Henzinger, Lee, Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Sastry and Tomlin), the actual name is due, to the best of my knowledge, to Professor Shankar Sastry. The first time of the term CPS appears in an official document is 2008, a letter was sent to The Honorable Bart Gordon Chairman Committee on Science and Technology outlining the relevance of the field for the interest of the United States. The definition used in the report was simple to make sure the message could be delivered to the policy makers with great strength:

The integration of physical systems and processes with networked computing has led to the emergence of a new generation of engineered systems: Cyber Physical Systems (CPS). Such systems use computations and communication deeply embedded in and interacting with physical processes to add new capabilities to physical systems. These CPS range from minuscule (pace makers) to large-scale (the national power-grid).

Then in 2012, German National Academy of Science and Engineering started the development of an Integrated Research Agenda for CPS, the definition provided there is more detailed and encompassing compared
to the US counterpart:

A Cyber Physical System (CPS) is a system with embedded software (as part of devices, buildings, means of transport, transport routes, production systems, medical processes, logistic processes, coordination processes and management processes), which directly records physical data using sensors and affect physical processes using actuators; evaluates and saves recorded data, and actively or reactively interacts both with the physical and digital world; is connected with other CPS and in global networks via digital communication facilities; uses globally available data and services; has a series of dedicated, multi-modal human-machine interfaces.










额,手机上的emoji “牛”,电脑上不能显示。。。

哈哈, 那现在一定感觉很爽吧。。。:)




也是用turnitin么 ~












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