Are they Really spraying our skies with chemicals? What a physicist has to say about Cloud Seeding! Government patents on weather

in #climatechange6 years ago (edited)

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In this article you will see evidence of

  • weather modification as

  • Verification that chemical spraying occurs from Kristen Meghan, who claims to have spent nine years in the Air Force – working in ‘bio environmental engineering’. She says, ‘I started noticing large quantities of chemicals on the system that did not have a manufacture name and weren’t tied to a building- that was normal protocol.'

  • Hear from a top physicist who has reported even on MSM concerning cloud seeding.

  • find evidence with a link of how controllers in governments experiment in the atmosphere with the ionosphere and ionization

  • a list of government patents (verified patents) involving weather modification and atmosphere tampering

  • a local news article in Fargo called Grand Forks Herald that tells the story of a Weather Modification pilot who crashed

  • Find out the connections for how it helps the "powers that be" or those who vow they Know better than us what needs to be done with our surrounding environment

Fully sourced throughout and at the bottom! Be sure to let me know Your thoughts and experience on this!
Conversation is key!

I used to photograph most of the product photos for my small business outdoors when the weather permitted. Likely I caused a spectacle with the neighbors as I would get up higher as I saw planes and plumes of cloud like trails spilling out of them. Of course I initially thought it was a regular trail from engine exhaust or changes in air pressure, but as I saw them day after day, I started noticing they were making X's. Why?

I would go scout for my family and show them. Little by little, they started noticing on their own and everyone got involved in taking video and photos and over all being appalled at what we saw them doing to our environment and the change in air quality day after day. Asthma symptoms got worse and incidences of sinus infections increased as the medications flew off the shelves and the doctor appointments became more difficult to make as everyone was getting sick around the same time in our town.

So, if they were/are only contrails: this is their definition of a contrail,

line-shaped clouds produced by aircraft engine exhaust or changes in air pressure, typically at aircraft cruise altitudes several miles above the Earth's surface. Contrails are composed primarily of water, in the form of ice crystals.

Depending on the temperature and humidity at the altitude the contrails form, they may be visible for only a few seconds or minutes, or may persist for hours and spread to be several miles wide, eventually resembling natural cirrus or altocumulus clouds.

So clearly they cover themselves by saying, "they can persist for hours and spread."

The odd thing is, if you watch the difference with your own eyes, you can see the contrails dissipate Quickly, but the others where there is mass production are larger plumes of clouds, not thin lines and start making the atmosphere hazy, thick and lead to more difficulty in breathing.

As I started poking around, it became evident, this was Not an issue even just a few decades back. This has become an increasing problem and it is clearly not the mass public orchestrating this, but rather a plan to modify or change conditions in the atmosphere.

There is evidence they go back into movies from even the 70's to photoshop these chemtrails in that were never in the original footage, in order to make the mass public believe they are normal and have always been. But they Haven't always been. Talk to people who farmed and were outdoors a great deal during that time period and they will tell you, these did not exist then.

They exist Now because,
the deal is. . .there is tampering with the environment.

We are Not the ones causing it, but rather the controllers.

I live in an area where they spray chemicals constantly. We have video and photographic evidence we have taken ourselves.

It is verified the air is thicker and filled with chemicals.

My asthma and families asthma symptoms have increased and my doctor. ..medical doctor not homeopathic agrees because she has seen the spraying and thick trails that permeate the atmosphere and her son's asthma conditions have worsened.

Just One of the many conditions they force on us so we are tied to funding their pharmakia.

It pads their pockets as people are forced to deal with the symptoms of severe allergies, asthma, bronchitis.

There are organizations called Weather modification, just like the West Texas weather modification association that had many reports prior to hurricanes. Verifiable evidence of them spraying and modifying the weather. Obviously the weather deals with affecting global warming.

This was the title in a Grand Forks Herald local newspaper and the link can be found in the comments of my video report on Weather modification.

55-year-old pilot of Weather Modification plane dies in crash south of Fargo

The Bismarck Tribune states,

FARGO – The 55-year-old pilot of a Weather Modification plane died in a crash south of Fargo on Thursday North Dakota Highway Patrol Cpt. Bryan Niewind said.

The twin-engine, Cessna Model 340 plane crash-landed about 4:30 p.m. about a mile north of Cass County 16 in a field about a half mile east of Interstate 29 near a stand a trees along the bank of the Wild Rice River.

Neil Brackin, president of Weather Modification Inc., confirmed Thursday night that it was one of the company’s planes. He said there were no further details at this time.

Fargo-based Weather Modification Inc. is one of the world’s largest private aerial cloud-seeding companies.

The pilot was southbound after taking off from Fargo’s Hector International Airport when there was some sort of in-flight emergency, Niewind said.

The pilot was dead when first responders arrived and the plane was on fire and scattered in several pieces on the ground, Niewind said.

See more in the link here,

Have you seen the verified maps of the Haarp stations. You can just go to Google maps and see them.

There is also a source that shows government patents dating centuries back that prove They have been the ones tampering with "global weather conditions."

According to

Mainstream media has been reporting on geoengineering quite a bit in recent years, pitching it as a necessary evil to come, never quite fully divulging the years of evidence we’ve collected which shows how governments the world over are already tampering with the earth’s climate.

Rosalind Peterson, President of the Agriculture Defense Coalition at a UN conference on climate change about geoengineering and weather modification. In 2014 we reported on Lisa Murkowski’s (U.S. Senator – AK) statements in Congress about the HAARP program and it’s purpose of controlling the ionosphere. NASA has acknowledged spraying chemicals such as lithium into the atmosphere over major American cities.

USA Today recently ran an interesting piece about geoengineering, suggesting that such programs would be coming in the near future, while outlining the case that once these programs officially begin\

In this video, an ex-military meteorologist explains that anomalous radar readings are the result of the military spraying chaff into the atmosphere.

“Then you see these bands of very distinct cloud cover moving into the region. That is not rain, that is not snow. Believe it or not military aircraft flying through the region dropping chaff: small bits of aluminum, sometimes it’s made of plastic or even metallicized paper products, but it’s used as an anti-radar issue and obviously they’re practicing. Now they won’t confirm that, but I was in the Marine Corps for many years and I’ll tell you right now, that’s what it is.”

Ex-Military Weatherman Tells News of CHAFF Weather Manipulation

This was a real eye-opener where a physicist discusses how they tamper with the ionosphere and what is really taking place.

Top Scientist Tells CBS: HAARP Responsible For Recent Hurricanes - What is Cloud Seeding?

Did a video last year that covers those gov. patents for weather and found articles where there is no denying weather modification takes place.

No need to watch the video just go down to first comment and it has all the sources you can go to yourself and read.

Just seeing this take place myself, I guess a picture is worth a thousand words.

"CON" Trails - Get it? Words have meaning

If you start looking into wealthy elitists who used to invest in natural energy sources, then all of a sudden when "environmental issues" became a money maker, that is where they turned tide dumped their prior holdings and starting reaping benefits off of the New Cause! Make no mistake, a great deal of money is made and jobs are Kept over environmental regulations. . .forced, and propaganda. Keeps feeding the beast!

More sources below.

Please let me know your thoughts and experience with weather modification and the spraying of chemicals. Do you have someone in your family suffering from allergies, asthma and bouts of bronchitis?

Here are more sources;

List of government patents showing clear Proof they modify the weather,

Patent verifying ionization of clouds as physicist, Michio Kaku has spoken about

Air Force ‘whistleblower’ claims plane ‘chemtrails’ are spraying us all with poison

MULTIMEDIA If You Think These Are Just “Contrails” Think Again: Here’s What They Really Are

Many more sources at the bottom of their article Excellent study material.

A vigilant anon shared this video done on ChemTrailsMN youtube channel
It's quick and to the point. Shows evidence of spraying as they are able to switch it off and on.


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