
it is easy for your own creation to go against you ones you have given it a WILL. God created Satan but he wasn't corrupt at the beginning if you read account on his early life. Just like you and I when we were born, we were so pure and holy, never knew the things we know now. imperfectness exist in our world today because God gave His creation a WILL,"the power of choice". If God is to be in charge to decide and control all our affairs then we can blame Him for everything thing that happens to us.

If god created everything and had a plan for everything, wouldn't that corruption be created and intended by him too?

@rocking-dave, I like the way you keep bringing up important questions, I'm even inspired to write a post on what we are discussing.

The whole idea behind God's creation is a great mystery to unravel.
You must understand that God cannot be understood entirely, for His thoughts, ways and wisdom is deeper than us...

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9

The day we understand God and become so familiar with Him, He ceases to be God. We as humans are very limited and it's only by grace we have had the chance to partly understand God through His word and by the enablement of His Spirit.

@rocking-dave, If someone's child end up becoming a robber, can we conclude that His father too is a robber?

We cannot base on one premise that when corruption arises in God's creation it means He is to be held responsible and that makes Him imperfect.

God is a perfect God and in Him there is no darkness.

This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. 1 John 1:5

I don't know your religious background but it would be helpful to also read Job 9 for more detailed explanation concerning this topic.

It's very nice sharing ideas, I'm following you now to read more of your post.

And a BIG thanks to my wonderful friend and senior @tj4real for this great post.

I appreciate all your positive sentiment :)

If someone's child end up becoming a robber, can we conclude that His father too is a robber?

That's a pretty bad metaphor here that doesn't correspond to the concept of god in any way. The concept of god is not a concept of an accidental parent, it's the concept of a all-knowing, all-powerful designer of everything according to a plan. If someone intentionally designs somebody else knowing full well that he is designing a robber, he bears responsibilities for the robberies carried out by his creation. That's the problem with your deity concept, he cannot be the all-powerful and all-knowing creator of everything and not be responsible for Satan.

And this contradiction shows that at least some of your premises are incorrect. Your mind is already capable of understanding that contradiction, so all the need to know god becomes irrelevant as your concept of him seems to be flawed. So he either doesn't exists, or if he does, he is not what you are saying or hoping he is. Other options lead to contradictions and impossibilities.

well , we all have our belief, that's your belief and that's mine so let's keep it that way

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