Ancient Secrets Within Job Chapters 1 & 2 from the Defender Bible (Limited Edition)

in #christianity6 years ago PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE! What can we learn from Job chapters 1 and 2? Find out here!

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The book of Job, is one of my favorites. I never tire of reading it, it teaches patience, repentance, love of God above all.
He points out that God knows what is in our heart, what we truly are.

Amen, I love it too :)

The book of Job really opens up a "can of worms" doesn't it? There are many different things going on in it, but the theological issue being addressed is that of theodicy. It really is a deep book. Many of us can identify with the characters involved in the book, to include Job himself. In fact, like some of the characters, we too need to be rebuked for our so-called "wisdom". I don't want to take away from your commentary by adding my own, but the reader should remember two important questions that are being asked in the book. The first is asked by Satan, "Does Job fear God for no reason?" and the second is asked by Job, "But where shall wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding?" Those are significant to the whole "theodicy" thing. Why are we to fear YHWH? Is it for no reason? And many times in our moments of grief and heartache, we desperately want understanding. I am trying to not be too wordy Josh. Anyway, great choice! Job really is a great book!

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