"Do Not be Anxious" - Daily Word #12

in #christian-trail7 years ago (edited)

Are you ANXIOUS...

  • About your Finances? Concerned about the monthly bills, your job security, the economy, medical bills, kids in college or university...

  • About your Health? Concerned about growing older, or some critical illness, elderly parents, other potential health scares...

  • About your Family (Children)? Concerned about how they will turn out, drugs and other vices, the increasing crime and their safety, their studies, future job, if they will marry the right person, etc...

And the list goes on and on!


I love the Bible. It's like God could read our minds or our worried hearts. He foreknew what we would go through. Actually perhaps that's why he came to earth, to be able to empathize with us as He became Flesh and lived amongst us.

In Philippians 4:6 it reads in the NIV

Do Not Be Anxious about Anything, but in Every Situation, by Prayer and Petition, with Thanksgiving, Present your Requests to God.

I believe He left us little clues. When we get Anxious or overtly Stressed-Out... we should take a few KEY STEPS!

The First Clue is - PRAY, PRAY and PRAY. (it means a two-way communication with God)

The Second Clue is - THANKSGIVING. (it means come to enter His Courts with Gratefulness and Praise!)

The Third Clue is - PRESENT OUR REQUESTS. (we should just Gift it to HIM, not bore hold it on and then bore Him with our endless travailing cries and concerns)

Remember, He is God... and we are not. So let us NOT BE ANXIOUS about ANYTHING.

Will you begin to do your part and let God do His?

Blessings & Shalom.



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So simple and profound, yet as humans we sometimes fail to do that ONE fundamental thing which is to pray and seek Him. Thank you for the timely Biblical verse and reminder. God bless!

The verse after that one is equally important. This is both of them together. They're usually quoted together.

(Philippians 4:6-7 NIV) Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. {7} And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I was going to cover that today as a continuation from yesterday's message :)

Blessings to you. Continue to LOVE the Lord and People.


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