Assuming steem at 20 cents, I'll be handing out $250 worth

in #chessmatch8 years ago

I'm not drowning in options on the chessboard any more, and we've certainly seen an influx of new players, which is just great.

I'll put together a reflection on the game, as well as all the gifs strung together, when the match is over.

There's been some discussion recently around games of chance and skill like this one, and some accusations made about hosts only paying out to high SP individuals, downvoting criticisms, favouring their own sock puppets, and not addressing legitimate concerns.

Ironically, I'm looking forward to paying out on this.

If you're here for the long term, why wouldn't you want to establish an iron clad reputation for delivering what you promise?
You could start fake account, after fake account, and steal the occasional upvote, like some homeless guy wading around in a wishing well, fishing out pennies, but you'd be missing the big picture.

In the unlikely event I lose this match, I'll have an excellent opportunity to start building a reputation which will serve me for decades. That's worth far more than $250, (which isn't even coming out of my own pocket).

Now, let's see where we go from here.


I recently recruited a good friend and colleague. He has a personable, friendly nature, and the chiselled physique of a greek statue.
He's blogging on strength and wellness and absolutely knows his content.

I'll be recruiting and mentoring one meatspace friend each month, and promoting them at the end of each post.

December is Joe, give him a look


B5, C3

After he takes the horse with the pawn and attackes our queen , we check with white bishop. This opens the lane for our rook to attack the king..

What if his pawn wont take our knight?

his next move is forced one, pawn takes and bishop as you said and he most likely will move king b2, rook check b8, king ends up at c1 and queen d2 is mate... :)

F6 to E4. He is welcome to take it with his knight, and we defend with bishop, or we move it next to D2 to check king and cover B1 from an attempted escape of his king.

Can also move to C5 next to put him in check, depending on his response.

Much better for D5 to be free for the bishop to go to i think.

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