
If you like you can also try this one again (even if I know it is not so easy ...). :)
K (king) move to 7D, further Q (Queen) takes P to 3B, and after that R (Rock) to 2A.

You forget that also white can move, too ... white will attack the black king if black don't give checks ...

Right, and I admit defeat. Happy to be able to learn chess although I'm not smart. Thanks for your friend's advice @jaki01

Nobody gets defeated here. :) It's about having fun only ...
You know, to improve in chess is a slow process, and one needs much patience. If you want to improve you can create an account at any online chess server like for example.

True friend, I just downloaded my chess application on my mobile phone, so I can sharpen my brain to be more thorough in taking the attitude.

Sounds great! :)

Thanks 😚😙

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