in #challenge30days6 years ago (edited)


For @dragosroua 's 30 day writing challenge link to original contest post : Let's talk about things to consider when making the right "picks" for investing in:

  • Return On Investment (ROI). Severely undervalued assets provide the best ROI. The overall crypto market and adoption rate makes it quite possible that many cryptocurrencies fall within this category. However, they are not the only asset class with great future potential.

  • Security. What good is an investment if you lose it or it gets ripped off? Who else is involved in the creation, physical location/storage, and regulation of the asset? Who do you have to trust and how much do you have to trust them? Should anyone else know about my investments?

  • Utility. What can the investment be used for? Is it easy to move and exchange? Does it take you 13 weeks to "power-down" and get your money out - or does it take 13 seconds to key the combination into your wall safe, at home? Is the asset a store of value, a currency, a collectible, or some combination thereof? What do I want to eventually use this asset for? Am I investing in this for the long-term or short-term?

I'm sure there are many other considerations to think about when making investments, but the list above provides some important starting points for any investor to consider before making an investment.


Investment Strategy: The Number One Rule For Investing and Trading


This is easier said than done, but the best way not to lose all of your money is to "hedge" and/or "diversify." AKA "Don't Put All Of Your Eggs In One Basket." If all of your investing money is in cryptocurrencies, you're doing it wrong. Personally, 50% of my total investments are currently in precious metals, silver and gold. It's held by me. It's safe. It's easily accessible. Nobody stands between me and putting my hands on my silver and gold. These assets will hold their value over time. If I completely lost all of my cryptocurrencies due to some kind of a black swan event, I would still be in a good position.

Otherwise, I am getting better at executing the simple stategy of, "Buy Low, Sell High." And, I am enjoying it very much. SteemIt has been a great help to me in learning how to trade, when to enter and exit trades, how to do technical analysis, and whatever else I feel like learning about. Memes are good too! The other 50% of my investment money is in the following 5 cryptocurrencies:

#0. STEEM (The obvious, "given" investment in this article)
I try to keep 100 Steem Power on my account here. This keeps me participating in the SteemIt experiment in a meaningful way, and provides an avenue to generate a small, ongoing profit. I am a better crypto trader than I am a social media blogger, so I have a tendency NOT to like having to wait for 13 weeks to get my hands back on my money. And, the idea that a social mob has some control over my investment is inherently unsettling to me and my personal philosophy. When technical analysis (TA) shows steem is a good buy, I sometimes make short trades with STEEM coins (without powering them up) because it's a good time to take some profits. These profits are usually invested into other cryptos or buying physical silver.

#1. LiteCoin
LTC is fast, secure, has cheap transaction fees, and is widely accepted (where cryptos are concerned). It has the best use case for the moment we are in, right now. There's no reason to say anything more about LTC. You can disagree with me, but that would only make you factually wrong.

#2. EOS
I shouldn't even have to say anything here. If you've been involved in SteemIt, you're aware of Dan Larimer's next project. If their network launch on June 1st goes off smoothly, and Block One is quick to address any problems which are bound to arise, I believe that EOS may be the coin to lead the crypto charge into mass adoption. BitCoin and Ethereum are "old technology," and both of them have some limiting flaws in their initial code & design. I believe EOS will be able to adapt more quickly to address changing market conditions. And, markets are about to go through massive changes...

#3. BitCoin Cash
I do not care about the name or "brand" of any crypto coin. If it saves me time and money on transactions and trades, that's the crypto I'm going to be using. For the time being, BCH is widely accepted, faster, and cheaper to transact with than many other major coins. It probably won't always be that way, but it is that way for right now. In some cases, it is the best coin for my current transactional needs, and that's why I'm using it. When it is no longer faster and/or cheaper to trade with, I will stop using it.

#4. Ethereum
For me, Ethereum is the "grease" and the "gas" that keeps a lot of my Alt-Coin trades moving. It is probably the most widely accepted coin in the exchanges I trade in. Right now, it is also a good investment and trading fees are cheap. I believe that it will soon lose it's position to EOS (1 to 2 years), at which time I will probably not use it as much. For now, it is very useful to my trading activities.

#5. Ox
This is a great Alt-Coin to use for making short trades and taking a profit. Its' low price makes it more susceptible to volatile price changes. If you know how to pick the best times to enter and exit your position in Ox, you can make a butt-ton of money in a very short time-frame. Ox is only one of several Alt-Coins that fall into this category. There are several others: Status, TRON, Populous, Ripple, etc.... The problem with Alt-Coins is that they are not well established, yet. In the end, I believe there will be more losers than there are winners. That's why they're called $#!tcoins and scams. I have no doubt that there are many scams and failures which will emerge in the near future of the Alt-Coin market. Buyer Beware!

I try not to get too attached to any "brand name" or particular crypto asset. Everything is so volatile right now that sentimentality takes a back seat to taking profits. If it's in the right set-up for a short trade, and it's cheap, easy, and good for taking a profit - I'm taking a profit.

Some people are HODLers. I am not really there, yet. I will become more of a hodler as crytpo markets become more widely used and more stable. I am currently moving into a large position in EOS, which I will HODL, as long as it all goes according to plan. However, current crypto volatility provides me with too many good opportunities for trading, so I go where I see profit-taking opportunities.

DISCLAIMER: I own the digital tokens mentioned in this post. I am not a financial advisor. Anything in the above content is meant for educational/entertainment purposes only. Do not make trades based on this article. I am not responsible for any financial gains or losses you make in regards to this information.

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I'm holding EOS, XRP, and Steem, waiting for it to go up so I can move it into Silver!

I think skycoin is the best coin out there right now ...nothing comes close to what they are trying to build....

Also with steem 2.0 on the drawing board not sure what that will do .
I do like eos

Hopefully, SteemIt 2.0 will improve on SteemIt. I believe Larimer will take the lessons he learned from developing this platform and make the next one even better.

I'd like to see some way to keep people from committing social and economic violence through misuse of flags/downvotes. I don't like the idea that an angry social media mob can do actual damage to a persons' reputation and investment, simply because they disagree and they have more money - or they just decide they're having a bad day.

Dtube is still kind-of buggy and does not work as good as YouTube for vlogging. SteemIt 2.0 needs their video options to be as good as YouTube's, or it won't take away much of their market share.

I really agree on the misuse of flags ..that can be and is being misused from time to time ....Very disturbing .... Ya both Steem and Dtube need better search and sorting features ... but I am sure it is in the works somewhere ... My son is big on eos these days ... Have a good evening to play on the boat for the next 5 days and sun ....

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

Coins mentioned in post:

CoinPrice (USD)📈 24h📈 7d
BCHBitcoin Cash1803.410$17.34%25.61%

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.15
JST 0.030
BTC 64884.95
ETH 2619.31
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.82