My Little Friend Got 'SHOT', so it Seems...(BB or Pellet Gun) by an Unknown Evil Bastard

in #cats5 years ago (edited)

Some of you may remember me making a couple of recent posts about a young stray cat showing up at my house. Well, he was shot, but seems to not be seriously injured. The BB or pellet just missed his right eye though...

Fortunately, the projectile must have been fired at the little guy from a further than effective range, or low powered gun; otherwise he might have died. 

Even a non-lethal shot can prove deadly over time if the wound becomes infected, or interferes with the victims ability to eat, drink or by seriously damaging an internal vital organ.

It's so sad and angering at the same time for me to witness. Even if this little guy didn't wander close to my heart like he pains me to see any animal suffer at the evil hand of callous bastards...

If I had witnessed who was responsible for this malicious act, I'd probably be in jail right now for what I would have done to the "waste of flesh" culprit.

I like that 'waste of flesh' tag I once heard from someone used as a description of people who serve absolutely NO good purpose in life, for the world. Another good term that I feel is adequately deserved by such disciples of Satan is, "Shit Machine".

That's a reference which might have been one of my own making, and fitting in my opinion. Some people on this earth are just parasitic, leeches who consume whatever lays in their path and shits out the waste. They seem to have no other purpose in this life...they are the ones who leave cruelty, death and destruction in their wake.

Unfortunately for the rest of us...there are far too many of those type lingering around the many dark corners of this globe.

No Problem Eating...A Good Sign


According to the Vet the only lingering damage from the event will be to my wallet...!!!

It seems that the BB or whatever else it was, fell out from the wound and x-rays show nothing more than tissue damage. Of course he needed shots to be on the safe side, and antiseptic cream (which he won't let me put on!!!)

They wanted to 'Chip' him and cut his balls off, but I wasn't about to spend another small fortune out of my measly, monthly Pension for things the boy really didn't need right now. Maybe at a later date?

I could have brought the little thing to a local animal (?rescue?) organization and have them "input" him, for a small donation. "Input" can sometimes mean 'Put Down' by some of these "?humane?" animal services organizations.

The so called 'Rescue' shelter in my area, is not a 'no kill' facility and they've been known to even kill lost pets with collars on their necks. One recent killing was done the same day the captured pet was "in-taken" by a "volunteer" (so they said) who decided that the cat was "too aggressive"...

Within a few days of the kitties capture and surrendering by a well meaning neighbor, the family who lost the cat found out, once they posted social media calls for help and posted 'Missing' posters around the neighborhood.

When the family went to the "shelter" to recover their much loved pet, they learned of the tragedy. It made the local News, and there was a large outcry about it from the community. The "volunteer" was "let go"...

True 'Animal Rescue' organizations are often faced with many challenges surrounding their ability to function as desired. Money problems are usually at the root of their failures, and not enough experienced volunteers to help administer proper services.

I've met some truly beautifully, caring individuals involved within animal welfare groups, yet have also encountered some very questionable characters as well...(to put it mildly) Crazy might be a more accurate label...!?!?!?

Well, my friends...I guess now is as good as any time to end this post about my cute, little cat friend. I'm still unsure of a name for him...? I keep calling him Greystone, Grey Boy, Little Grey...and whatever else pops into my head in any given moment.

What do YOU guys think? Leave a name in comments if you'd like.

HE might like that too...???


Be Kind to Animals


Says so...

what a bastard, he will get his one day :)

Yes...Karma is real...Thank you for caring and commenting.

I honestly do not understand people - if you do not like animals, I think there is something wrong with you, but that is your problem, but why hurt them? We live in a sick world and I so much prefer animals over most people. Thank you for caring for him. I now have three that just pitched up that were abandoned by idiots. I said after my last cat died, I am done with pets, but the universe decided differently and now I am so gladIMG_20190814_194721.jpg

I said after my last cat died, I am done with pets, but the universe decided differently

I've had a similar thought, perhaps the universe has been deciding differently for me as well??? Maybe I'm not supposed to do that bit of traveling I'd planned? Could be the universal mind is keeping me from being on the wrong plane, at the wrong time???

There is no better love or home that that with a pet.

Poor cat hope he recovers fully and quickly. Flaming oxygen thieves these people.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you...he seems to be healing well. The only problem seems that he has gotten more skittish, even around me, but I understand. Maybe it'll be safer for him being less friendly if he chooses to roam away from my house, and I don't find his people who want him back.

I am not surprised he is more skittish from the attack.

Posted using Partiko Android

Is there a low cost way to have him neutered? This is unfortunately the fate of intact males. They wander and then are harmed by what I prefer to call 'oxygen thieves'.
I have had quite a few visiting males who returned home after being neutered by me. Some of them were sweet visitors that I miss but it is certainly better for them

Yes! Or oxygen WASTERS! :)

Hi @nikv … Yes, there is a 'sponsored' free neutering program here for feral and strays called 'Trap, Neuter and Release' and also a program providing low-cost procedures. They are scheduled events that I have to check on, requiring dropping the animal off at a specific time, then coming back for them later in the day.

Thank you for the show of concern :>) I know you're a cat person as well; and by the way...I've just today, confirmed that my new little friend has a twin which I suspected. The look-a-like darts away like crazy when (he?) sees me...

I don't know what's going on, I've counted up to seven new strays suddenly appearing nearby, as if someone came and dumped them there??? Another BIG fat tabby has been coming to my porch looking for food, and rolling around playfully afterwards...

There was a Cat Lady living in a Van who came around on a regular basis; maybe it has something to do with her? She told me that she was evicted from her apartment for hoarding cats.

All I have to say is that the person who shot that adorable animal has some really bad karma coming. They deserve every bit of it.

I agree @free-reign … I've heard an air-gun being fired occasionally nearby, but could not catch who it was when I tried. Seems they are firing from a window- not from their yard.

This State recently passed a law making it a felony to randomly shoot a dog or cat for sport.

This is depravity. No wonder you're an angry man today.

Yes, "depravity" is rampant these days among certain type of people we have running around in this country these days, both homegrown and imported...I've been witnessing the growth of such scumbags since the 1970's for certain.

Major Cities were the first to experience and notice detrimental changes taking place, but now, it is people from all over this Nation that have been exposed to the infection...

Thanks @ninjamike for sharing your concern by commenting :>) Have you given any thought about maybe adopting a Gem #2...?

No I haven't seriously considered it. Though I was tempted a few years back when I was at a pet store that had a couple of grey kitten siblings up for adoption.

Kittens and puppies can be an easy lure...

I hear ya and agree with all of it, some of the "rescuers" or even on here "Police types" are effn destructive and yeah on just the wastes of meat bags that are human but lack souls
I feel like we see a microcosm of a LOT of this play out on these supposed decentralized platforms.

some of the "rescuers" or even on here "Police types" are effn destructive

Oh YES...!!! There certainly has been plenty of those type around here...(self-righteous, malevolent fakes)

Thanks for responding. I see you may have made it onto @lucylin 's private beneficiary list :>)

Thanks for the Follow I'll check out your page and follow back.

whatever sbd dust I have on this acct, am sending to @lucylin
yes I'm very very excited. I like to be on things like that, can't lie :)
yeah question is why do or did millions of SP get sent to the Steem police networks plural with known shade and not into any real marketing, hmmmm

:>) Might as well try something different with steem/steemit funds than what most are doing, without much success.

Yeah...those 'Steem Police' are a nuisance, mostly and often the most egregious little sneaks who are taking the 'biggest' piece of the pie .

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