
I don't know enough about him or art to comment. So I totally take your word for it. I've had the privilege of visiting a handful of museums around the world and while I can recall the trips and some of the things that I saw, I can't recall the names of most of the artists. So, I guess, the big hope is that posterity remembers the names of our stories, 'cause if the future people are like me, the names are... uh... what was I saying? ;)

Art is one of those things that I feel doesn't need to be studied (sorry art majors) Sure, there are pointers and rules, but I think expression and emotion holds more value for it. I once took an art appreciation elective, and while I appreciated it (and got a 4.0) on it, I feel like it would've been better served for something else.

Art education is not for everybody. It wasn't for me, but I do like the idea that there are people out there that know things about art. I'm not one of them and yet I like knowing they're out there. Kind of like firefighters, I'm not one, yet I like knowing they're out there, too.

Check it out, did you learn about Georges Seurat during that class?

Oh wow, I didn't meant to offend. I hope you didn't take it that way :( I do appreciate people being bastions of knowledge for it, I'm just a bit pissy at those snooty art people who think they're better than everyone else just because they studied it. This is coming from a personal place, so I never meant to generalize everyone who studies art. I do know of some cool people who study art because of their love for it, and teach with vigor because they're just so passionate. Those are the great ones. Sadly, the majority that I have encountered feel like they have the right to belittle everyone else as not being "true" artists.

Sure, there are people like those in every trade. I'm a software developer, and I know a lot of people who belittle other people because they don't know how to program. So yeah, I think I should've phrased what I said differently. I never meant to offend or generalize.

I did not learn of Seurat during that class, but he was mentioned there too.

Oh no! I didn't take offense. I was trying to be funny. There are definitely some snooty art people in this world. People who elevate themselves through belittling others live in a false state of grandeur. You're right, it does happen in every trade. I knew a guy who couldn't read letters, but he was fine reading numbers. He could use his number knowledge and his building knowledge to create practically anything. I could read to him, but I couldn't (still can't) build a house. It's the great ones you mentioned that teach with vigor that make some classes worthwhile. Wish there were more of them.

Where ever you learned of Seurat, thanks for sharing!

Haha you had me confused there for a sec! That's an awesome story! It greatly illustrates that everyone has their own unique gifts. Everyone can elevate together, no need to put down others just so one could feel superior from others.

Exactly, my friend! Exactly!

I'm glad you didn't turn into one of those snooty folk. Way to stick it to the system!

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